- B - C - D
- E - F - G - H
- I - J - K - L
- M - N - O - P
- Q - R - S - T
- U - V - W - X
- Y - Z
- @dm global variables 12-1
- @NULL 2-8
- dbms command
- aliasing column names 11-5
- Aliasing
- column names to widgets 11-5
- Application
- aborting 5-104, 5-241
- escaping to operating system 5-297
- getting handle for instance 5-384
- getting handle for object 5-432
- getting handle to frame 5-383
- getting initial state 5-382
- getting previous handle 5-385
- getting runtime properties 5-428
- global variables 5-231, 5-242
- initialization
- error message 5-227
- initializing 5-228
- resetting display 5-446
- returning after escape 5-450
- setting runtime properties 5-435, 5-439
- starting 5-255
- using Java methods 7-2
- Application runtime properties
- getting 5-422
- Application server
- advertising services
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-2
- Array
- clearing all data 5-109
- copying data 5-119
- declaring in JPL 2-95
- deleting occurrence 5-150
- find next synchronized 5-390
- getting current occurrence number 5-413
- inserting occurrence 5-236
- reading file contents into 5-178
- sorting at runtime 5-410, 5-411
- trimming 5-479
- using text editor 5-174
- writing contents to file 5-172
- Asynchronous service call 2-69
- Background color
- setting 5-98
- Backtab 5-91
- Backward compatibility
- before image data 5-522
- Backward scrolling
- viewing database rows 11-26, 11-27, 11-51
- Base window
- getting Widget ID 5-589
- Before image processing
- backward compatibility 5-522
- comparing values 5-93
- copying current values 5-95
- initializing 5-96
- retrieving data 5-208, 5-213
- Bell
- invoking 5-92
- setting in messages 2-39
- dbms command
- fetching binary column values 11-8
- Binary variables
- deleting occurrence 5-3
- getting maximum number of occurrences 5-7
- getting maximum occurrence length 5-6
- getting occurrence data 5-5
- getting occurrence length 5-4
- getting pointer to occurrence 5-2
- setting occurrence length 5-8
- Buffer
- copying data to 5-215
- Built-in control functions 3-1
- Bundles
- appending data 5-82, 5-85
- counting items in 5-210
- counting occurrences 5-211
- creating 5-120
- destroying 5-202
- getting name 5-212
- of data in JPL 2-64
- optimizing bundle storage 5-84
- reading an occurrence 5-209
- receiving 5-443
- verifying name 5-238
- writing to 5-471
- Case sensitivity
- transaction manager commands 8-4
- dbms command
- writing results to widget or file 11-10
- transaction manager command
- switching transactions 8-10
- Check digit function
- executing 5-105
- transaction manager command
- clearing data in widgets 8-11
- setting behavior 5-75
- Client
- notifying from application server
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-43
- Client authentication
- data function
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-13
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-13
- post-connection function
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-14
- Client connection
- closing
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-10
- opening
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-11
- transaction manager command
- closing database transaction 8-13
- dbms command
- closing database connection 11-15
- dbms command
- closing database cursor 11-16
- dbms command
- closing all database connections 11-14
- Colon preprocessing
- simulating from C 5-23
- Color attributes
- setting
- for area 5-98
- dbms command
- mapping column names only 11-18
- creating named property 5-368
- creating object 5-367
- error handling 5-442
- COM components
- calling methods 5-393
- calling QueryInterface 5-114
- getting error code 5-115
- getting error message 5-116
- getting property settings 5-404
- receiving method's parameters 2-59
- returning method's parameters 2-61
- sending error to client 2-53
- setting event handler 5-117
- setting property settings 5-408
- Combo box widget
- updating contents 5-555
- Command
- launching 5-272
- Components
- creating 5-398, 5-399, 5-400
- destroying 5-402
- dbms command
- setting default database connection 11-20
- Container
- counting number of widgets 5-298
- creating object list 5-302
- destroying object list 5-299
- traversing 5-300
- Continuation file
- specifying 11-51
- using in transaction manager 5-501
- availability in transaction manager 5-501
- dbms command
- fetching next set of rows 11-21
- transaction manager command
- fetching next set of data 8-16
- dbms command
- fetching last set of rows 11-23
- transaction manager command
- fetching last set of rows 8-19
- dbms command
- fetching next set of rows 11-25
- transaction manager command
- fetching next set of rows 8-23
- dbms command
- fetching first set of rows 11-26
- transaction manager command
- fetching first set of rows 8-27
- dbms command
- fetching previous set of rows 11-27
- transaction manager command
- fetching previous set of rows 8-31
- Cookies
- retrieving values 5-561
- setting values 5-566
- transaction manager command
- copying data for edit 8-35
- transaction manager command
- changing to update mode 8-37
- transaction manager command
- changing to view mode 8-39
- copying
- file 5-162
- Correlation names
- finding corresponding table view 5-52
- Creating
- unique file name 5-532
- Currency format
- stripping from string 5-488
- Cursor
- backtabbing to previous field 5-91
- changing delay state 5-143
- getting location in field 5-477
- getting offset in field 5-147
- moving
- to field 5-221, 5-414
- to first field 5-226
- to last field 5-271
- to next field 5-494
- to next line 5-391
- to next occurrence of array 5-391
- toggling position display 5-102
- turning off 5-100
- turning on 5-101
- Cursor (database) 11-1
- closing 11-16
- declaring 11-31
- executing statement 11-34
- finding default connection 5-11
- getting connection name 5-10
- getting engine name 5-12
- getting handle 5-56
- specifying cursor for dbms command 11-57
- verifying cursor behavior in ODBC 5-64
- verifying status 5-62
- Data
- clearing
- in the transaction manager 8-11
- copying
- in the transaction manager 8-35
- copying to buffer 5-215
- forcing validation 5-205
- formatting in C 5-23
- inserting
- in the transaction manager 8-47
- modifying
- in the transaction manager 8-52
- receiving data bundles 2-54
- restoring saved data 5-449, 5-453
- scrolling through result set 11-23
- selecting
- in the transaction manager 8-57, 8-65
- sending data bundles 2-64
- Data bundles
- appending data 5-82, 5-85
- counting bundle items 5-210, 5-211
- creating bundle 5-120
- destroying 5-202
- getting bundle name 5-212
- optimizing bundle storage 5-84
- reading an occurrence 5-209
- receiving 5-443
- verifying name 5-238
- writing to bundle 5-471
- Database
- database connections 11-1
- database drivers 11-1
- database engines 11-1
- Database columns
- aliasing to widgets 11-5
- fetching binary values 5-2, 11-8
- getting serial column value 12-17
- mapping column names to Panther variables 11-18
- mapping result set to widget/file 11-10
- suppress repeating values 11-54
- Database connections
- closing 11-14, 11-15
- cursor
- getting the engine name 5-12
- on the default connection 5-11
- declaring 11-29
- disabling support 5-65
- finding value of option 5-54
- getting handle 5-55
- getting name from cursor 5-10
- setting current 11-55
- setting default 11-20
- setting value of option 5-66
- verifying connection status 5-61
- Database cursors
- getting handle 5-56
- verifying status 5-62
- Database drivers
- commands 11-1
- executing from C 5-14, 5-16
- finding value of connection options 5-54
- finding value of option 5-57
- getting last command 5-58
- initializing 5-13, 5-59
- keywords 13-1
- listing of error messages 12-11
- setting options 5-69
- verifying status 5-63
- Database engines
- disabling support 5-65
- getting from specified cursor 5-12
- initializing 5-13
- setting current 11-59
- setting default 11-33
- using more than one 11-59
- Database engnes
- finding value of option 5-57
- setting value of option 5-69
- Date/time format
- applying 5-467
- applying to supplied value 5-550
- DBMS commands
- defined 11-1
- executing from C 5-14, 5-16
- finding out last command 5-58
- summary 11-2
- callback function
- installing 5-138
- cold links
- creating for Panther client 5-126
- cold paste links
- creating for Panther client 5-133
- destroying links to Panther client 5-130
- disabling Panther as client 5-131
- disabling Panther as server 5-141
- enabling Panther as client 5-132
- enabling Panther as server 5-142
- executing command from Panther client 5-137
- hot links
- creating for Panther client 5-127
- hot paste links
- creating for Panther client 5-134
- paste links
- creating for Panther client 5-133
- poking data from Panther client 5-140
- requesting link data 5-136
- warm links
- creating for Panther client 5-128
- warm paste links
- creating for Panther client 5-135
- dbms command
- making database connection 11-29
- dbms command
- creating database cursor 11-31
- Delay cursor 5-143
- Delayed write
- flushing 2-26, 5-191
- Deleting
- file 5-167
- translation table 5-587
- Deselecting
- in selection group 5-145
- Dialog box
- displaying message 5-334
- for file selection 5-248
- selecting file 5-168
- viewing file type 5-170
- Display
- getting HWND handle 5-590
- getting Widget ID 5-590
- Display attributes
- setting
- for area 5-98
- in status line 2-39
- DLLs
- getting load error 5-480
- installing function from 5-481
- loading 5-483
- dm_
- @dm global variables 12-1
- Double clicking
- getting time between clicks 5-379
- Drawing function
- attaching to widget 5-87
- Editor
- invoking for arrays 5-174
- Email
- creating new mail object 5-312
- sending 5-311, 5-314
- attachments 5-309
- field contents 5-315
- text file 5-310
- widget image 5-316
- dbms command
- setting default database engine 11-33
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- receiving method's parameters 2-59
- returning method's parameters 2-61
- sending error to client 2-53
- Error handler
- installing 5-74, 5-406, 5-568
- Error handling
- DLL loading 5-480
- for COM objects 5-115, 5-116
- for menu API 5-317
- for properties API 5-426
- for reports 5-454
- sending message to client 5-442
- Error log
- creating 5-305
- Error messages
- database drivers 12-11
- displaying 5-200, 5-201
- for user 5-155, 5-158
- from service components 2-53
- in the transaction manager
- transaction manager 10-1
- in Web applications 5-563
- initializing application 5-227
- Error messages (database)
- calling function after dbms command 11-45
- calling function before dbms command 11-40
- engine-specific codes 12-4
- engine-specific messages 12-6, 12-8
- generic database driver messages 12-11, 12-14
- listing 12-11
- in transaction manager 5-503
- installing error handler 11-42
- warning codes 12-9, 12-10, 12-18
- Errors
- transaction manager 5-499, 5-500, 5-504, 5-505, 5-510, 5-519, 5-520, 5-521
- from database 5-503
- Event
- posting to event broker
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-47
- subscribing to
- in Tuxedo 2-82
- Event broker
- posting an event
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-47
- subscribing to event 2-82
- unsubscribing from event
- in Tuxedo 2-94
- Event functions
- installing 5-149, 5-233
- Event handlers
- for COM components 5-117
- Exception event
- handler installed for transaction
- 2-103
- dbms command
- executing statement 11-34
- generating SQL
- changing bind values 5-27
- Executing
- SQL statements 11-47, 11-48, 11-49
- Exit screen 3-2
- External menu 5-332
- transaction manager command
- fetching next row of data 8-41
- Fetch
- setting number of rows 5-73
- Field
- getting cursor offset 5-147
- setting current 5-221
- using Java methods 7-3
- Field data
- clearing
- in transaction manager 5-495
- clearing all fields 5-108
- clearing from array 5-109
- copying array data 5-119
- copying to buffer 5-215
- deleting occurrence 5-150
- forcing validation 5-205
- formatting empty numeric field 5-9
- getting length 5-148
- of word wrapped text 5-582
- reading 5-198
- double precision float 5-124
- from LDBs 5-78
- integer 5-235
- long integer 5-303
- unformatted data 5-488
- word wrapped text 5-584
- testing
- all fields for changes 5-548
- for no value 5-239
- for yes value 5-240
- if null 5-392
- validating
- with check digit function 5-105
- writing 5-441
- double precision floating point 5-153
- formatted data 5-80
- integer 5-245
- long integer 5-307
- word wrapped text 5-585
- File
- checking for 5-164
- copying 5-162
- deleting 5-167
- getting path name 5-161
- moving 5-165
- selecting in dialog box 5-168, 5-170, 5-248
- File I/O
- closing file stream 5-173
- error handling 5-175
- getting file stream handle 5-183
- invoking editor for editing array 5-174
- opening file 5-184
- reading characters from file 5-180
- reading line from file 5-181
- rewinding file stream 5-190
- setting error code 5-177
- writing array to file 5-172
- writing character to file 5-187
- writing file contents to array 5-178
- writing line of text to file 5-188
- File selection
- in dialog box 5-248
- File types
- selecting in dialog box 5-170
- Filename
- creating unique 5-532
- transaction manager command
- closing current transaction 8-43
- Floating point
- reading from field 5-124
- writing to field 5-153
- Flush buffered output 2-26, 5-191
- For loop 2-27
- skip to next iteration 2-42
- transaction manager command
- discarding changes 8-45
- Form
- closing 5-246
- opening 5-250
- Form list 5-196
- dbms command
- formatting CATQUERY values 11-36
- Frames
- getting handle 5-383
- FROM clause
- changing SQL generation 5-32
- Functions
- calling from JPL 2-8
- installing from DLLs 5-481
- Global JPL variable
- declaring 2-29
- Global variables
- changing to transient status 5-569, 5-570
- creating
- on Web 5-564
- database drivers 12-1
- getting value 5-422
- getting values 5-231
- updating values 5-242
- Graphics file
- Windows
- returning object ID 5-112
- Grid widgets
- using Java methods 7-5
- Group
- controlling cursor key 5-265
- converting to field number 5-223
- forcing validation 5-224
- getting name from field reference 5-203
- using Java methods 7-6
- GROUP BY clause
- changing SQL generation 5-35
- HAVING clause
- changing SQL generation 5-37
- Help mode
- invoking 5-472
- Help screen
- displaying 5-225
- HINSTANCE handle 5-384, 5-385
- moving cursor to 5-226
- Hook functions
- installing 5-149, 5-233
- getting cookie values 5-561
- setting cookies 5-566
- HWND handle
- getting
- for drawing area 5-152
- for screen-resident widget 5-571
- getting for display 5-590
- If logic 2-31, 2-87
- Included JPL modules 2-33
- Initial state
- getting 5-382
- Initialization
- application 5-228
- error message 5-227
- key translation file 5-262
- menu system 5-338
- of database driver 5-13
- of database drivers 5-59
- video translation table 5-558
- Input
- simulating from keyboard 3-5, 5-552
- testing for keyboard activity 5-260
- Insert operation
- generating argument list
- for service call 5-536
- Inserting data
- generating argument list 5-536
- Installing
- translation table 5-587
- Instance
- getting handle 5-384
- getting previous handle 5-385
- Integer value
- reading from field 5-235
- writing to field 5-245
- Interface
- accessing for COM components 5-114
- Interrupt handler 5-104
- INVALID_CONTEXT exception 2-93
- Java
- library function interfaces 6-1
- Java interfaces
- calling methods
- for fields 7-3
- for grids 7-5
- for groups 7-6
- for screens 7-7
- for the application 7-2
- for widgets 7-8
- JetNet applications
- executing JPL commands 5-533
- getting service alias 5-541
- inserting data 5-536
- selecting data 5-537, 5-538
- advertising services in 2-2
- checking for changes 2-34
- rereading 2-35
- command overview 1-1
- displaying messages 2-37
- executing commands
- in JetNet applications 5-533
- global variables
- adding to save list 5-564
- changing to transient status 5-569, 5-570
- loading as public module 5-253
- making memory-resident 5-196
- receiving data bundles 2-54
- sending data bundles 2-64
- unloading module 5-254
- JPL calls
- from C function 5-252
- to JPL and installed functions 2-8
- JPL command
- advertise 2-2
- break 2-4
- broadcast 2-5
- call 2-8
- client_exit 2-10
- client_init 2-11
- dbms 2-16
- dequeue 2-18
- enqueue 2-22
- flush 2-26
- for 2-27
- global 2-29
- if 2-31
- include 2-33
- jif_check 2-34
- jif_read 2-35
- log 2-36
- msg 2-37
- next 2-42
- notify 2-43
- parms 2-45
- post 2-47
- proc 2-49
- public 2-51
- raise_exception 2-53
- receive 2-54
- receive_args 2-59
- return 2-60
- return_args 2-61
- runreport 2-62
- send 2-64
- service_call 2-66
- service_cancel 2-75
- service_forward 2-77
- service_return 2-79
- subscribe 2-82
- switch 2-87
- unadvertise 2-89
- unload 2-91
- unload_data 2-92
- unsubscribe 2-94
- vars 2-95
- wait 2-97
- while 2-100
- xa_begin 2-102
- xa_commit 2-106
- xa_end 2-108
- xa_rollback 2-110
- JPL commands
- arguments 2-1
- command/function execution 1-2
- component processing (COM, EJB) 1-6
- control flow 1-1
- data/message transfer 1-3
- database drivers 1-4
- JetNet/Tuxedo processing 1-4
- connection 1-4
- data/message transfer 1-4
- event broker processing 1-5
- service request processing 1-5
- two-phase commit transaction processing 1-6
- module access and availability 1-3
- procedure structure 1-2
- text display 1-3
- variable declaration 1-2
- JPL module
- include module 2-33
- loading as public 2-51
- unloading public 2-91
- JPL procedure
- declaring return type 2-49
- returning from 2-60
- JPL variable
- allocating size 2-95
- declaring 2-95
- as array 2-95
- global 2-29
- initializing 2-95
- name conventions 2-95
- Key
- disabling 5-264
- get logical value 5-218
- getting integer value 5-258
- getting label 5-263
- pushing onto input queue 5-552
- setting cursor key options 5-264
- Key label
- displaying in messages 2-39
- Key translation
- initializing table 5-262
- Keyboard
- opening for input 5-230
- Keywords
- database drivers 13-1
- Launching command 5-272
- activating 5-294
- changing to read/write 5-294
- changing to read-only 5-294
- copying data from 5-273, 5-275
- enabling write-through 5-125
- forcing read from screen 5-306
- getting
- contents 5-281
- current state 5-293
- handle 5-283
- getting active LDB handle 5-277
- getting data from 5-273
- getting name 5-287
- getting previously activated 5-279
- getting previously inactivated 5-280
- getting recently inactivated 5-278
- getting to another instance 5-288
- inactivating 5-294
- initializing 5-284
- loading 5-285, 5-286
- popping 5-289
- pushing 5-290
- reading data from all 5-78
- setting state 5-294
- testing if loaded 5-285
- unloading 5-296
- writing to entry 5-291
- Libraries
- getting load error 5-480
- installing function from DLLs 5-481
- loading DLLs 5-483
- setting search path 5-485
- Library
- closing 5-267
- opening 5-268, 5-270
- opening screen
- as window 5-574
- at cursor location 5-86
- Library functions 5-1
- Java interfaces 6-1
- Log file
- setting for web applications 5-563
- writing server message to 2-36
- Logical key
- getting integer value 5-258
- getting label 5-263
- getting value 5-218
- Long integer
- reading from field 5-303
- writing to field 5-307
- Loop
- breaking from 2-4
- for condition 2-27
- skipping to next iteration 2-42
- while condition 2-100
- Mail
- creating new mail object 5-312
- sending 5-311, 5-314
- attachments 5-309
- field contents 5-315
- text file 5-310
- widget image 5-316
- Math expression
- specifying in function call 5-103
- MDT bit
- clearing for all fields 5-107
- testing for modified field 5-548
- Memory
- allocating for application 5-228
- deallocating 5-446
- from argument lists 5-535
- Memory-resident list
- purging 5-452
- updating 5-196
- Menu
- adding item 5-345
- changing properties 5-319
- creating at runtime 5-323
- deleting at runtime 5-324
- deleting item 5-348
- external reference 5-332
- getting last error 5-317
- getting property 5-325
- initializing 5-338
- installing 5-328
- installing unique content 5-331
- loading 5-354
- popup for field 5-425
- property constants 5-320, 5-326
- removing 5-332, 5-333
- setting scope 5-328
- sharing content 5-331
- unloading 5-356
- Menu item
- adding at runtime 5-345
- changing properties 5-339
- deleting 5-348
- getting properties 5-349
- property constants 5-340, 5-350
- type constants 5-346
- Menu script
- loading into memory 5-354
- unloading into memory 5-356
- Message
- acknowledgment 2-38, 2-40
- acknowledgment key 2-39
- bell 2-39
- default display
- in status line 2-38
- in window 2-38
- displaying
- error tag 2-37
- forcing to window 2-40
- in dialog box 5-334
- through JPL commands 2-37
- using function 5-155, 5-158
- displaying attributes in 2-39
- displaying error message 5-200, 5-201
- displaying in status line 5-155, 5-158
- finding 5-366
- forcing to status line 2-40
- automatic dismissal 2-39
- key labels in 2-39
- line break insertion 2-40
- putting on status line 5-360
- Ready/Wait status 5-475
- retrieving from message file 5-362, 5-365
- setting attributes 5-156
- writing to log 5-305
- Message dialog box
- button combinations 5-335
- default button 5-336
- modality 5-336
- system icon 5-336
- text format options 5-335
- Message file
- deleting 5-361
- reading 5-363
- Message handler
- invoked by client 2-57
- Metafile
- displaying and printing 5-455
- Method
- receiving parameters 5-444
- Methods
- executing
- COM methods 5-393
- returning parameters 5-451
- Middleware
- broadcasting service message
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-5
- connecting client to
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-11
- disconnecting client from
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-10
- Middleware transaction
- committing 2-106, 2-108
- completing 2-108
- rolling back 2-108, 2-110
- starting 2-102
- Mouse events
- getting state of buttons 5-357
- getting system time 5-379
- Mouse pointer
- help mode shape 5-472
- Moving
- file 5-165
- transaction manager command
- entering new data 8-47
- Numeric data
- formatting empty field 5-9
- Object ID
- for graphics file 5-112
- Objects
- creating 5-398, 5-399, 5-400
- dbms command
- setting occurrence for SELECT 11-38
- Occurrence
- deleting 5-150
- deselecting
- in selection group 5-145
- getting current number 5-413
- inserting 5-236
- verifying cursor behavior 5-64
- dbms command
- installing function to call before dbms command 11-40
- dbms command
- installing error handler 11-42
- dbms command
- installing function to call after dbms command 11-45
- Operating system
- escaping from application 5-297
- executing command 5-214, 5-478
- from JPL 3-6
- getting date/time 5-467
- returning to application 5-450
- Option menu widget
- identifying to external screen 5-418
- updating contents 5-555
- ORDER BY clause
- changing SQL generation 5-43
- Parameters
- declaring in JPL
- named procedure 2-49
- unnamed procedure 2-45
- name requirements
- in JPL 2-45
- Password
- supplying on client connection
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-13
- Path
- finding for file 5-161
- Percent escapes
- in JPL msg command 2-38
- Playback function
- turning on or off 5-259
- Polling
- for reply from service 2-69
- Popup menu
- invoking 5-425
- Printing
- report metafile 5-455
- screen 5-388
- Procedure
- declaring in JPL 2-49
- Programming
- in JPL
- command overview 1-1
- Properties
- error handling 5-426
- for applications 5-231, 5-242
- getting at runtime 5-428
- getting handle to object 5-432
- setting at runtime 5-435
- setting global 5-439
- translating JPL mnemonics to integer IDs 5-434
- Public module
- loading 2-51, 5-253
- unloading 2-91, 5-254
- dbms command
- executing SQL statement that returns data 11-47
- QueryInterface
- calling for COM components 5-114
- Ready/Wait status
- displaying 5-475
- Record function
- turning on or off 5-259
- transaction manager command
- refreshing the screen 8-50
- Reliable queue
- dequeuing message
- in Tuxedo 2-18
- enqueuing message
- in Tuxedo 2-22
- Report processing
- returning last error message 5-454
- running reports 5-456
- Reports
- generating from JPL 2-62
- printing 5-455
- viewing report metafile 5-455
- Repository
- opening 5-146
- Request broker command
- executing from C function 5-533
- Return codes
- stored procedures 12-7
- Return value 2-60
- declaring type in JPL 2-49
- Rows
- determining number fetched 12-15
- fetching 11-21, 11-23
- value of @dmrowcount in DBMS START 11-50
- dbms command
- executing SQL statement that does not return data 11-48
- Running reports
- from JPL 2-62
- Runtime properties
- getting 5-428
- setting 5-435
- transaction manager command
- saving database changes 8-52
- Screen
- changing window through keyboard 3-7
- closing 3-2, 3-4, 5-110, 5-246
- displaying 5-77
- forcing validation 5-457
- forcing write from LDB 5-306
- freeing saved data 5-491
- HWND handle 5-152
- memory-resident
- adding to list 5-304
- removing 5-553
- memory-resident list
- updating 5-196
- opening
- as a window 5-574
- as form 5-250
- as window 5-256
- at cursor location 5-86
- search path 5-194
- through dialog box 3-4
- pre-loading into memory 5-304
- printing 5-388
- refreshing 5-445
- removing from save list 5-554
- restoring saved data 5-449, 5-453
- save list
- check for screen 5-244
- saving
- in memory 5-492
- saving data 5-459, 5-490
- setting next sibling window 5-474
- shrinking 5-479
- translating coordinates to pixels 5-546
- trimming 5-573
- using Java methods 7-7
- widget ID 5-152
- Screen data transfer. See Sending data
- Screen editor
- setting defaults 5-485
- Screen save list
- adding screen 5-304
- removing screen 5-553
- Scrolling
- specifying backward scrolling 11-26, 11-27
- specifying continuation file 11-51
- Search path
- screen 5-194
- transaction manager command
- fetching data for update 8-57
- SELECT statement
- fetching binary columns 11-8
- formatting result set 11-36
- freeing memory 5-26
- generating SQL
- appending text 5-46
- changing select list 5-40
- no more rows status 12-15
- number of rows fetched 12-15
- scrolling through result set 11-21, 11-51
- setting number of rows 5-72
- setting number of rows per fetch 5-73
- setting starting row 11-50
- suppressing repeating values 11-54
- writing results
- to a file 11-10
- to a specific occurrence 11-38
- Selecting data
- generating argument list 5-537, 5-538
- Selection group
- deselecting 5-145
- selecting 5-470
- Sending data
- appending bundle item 5-85
- appending to bundle 5-82
- counting bundle items 5-210, 5-211
- destroying bundle 5-202
- getting bundle name 5-212
- initializing bundle 5-120
- reading bundle data through JPL 2-54
- reading occurrence from bundle 5-209
- verifying bundle name 5-238
- with C function 5-443, 5-471
- writing data to bundle
- in JPL 2-64
- Serial column
- @dmserial 12-17
- Service
- advertising
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-2
- returning from
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-79
- Service components
- receiving method's parameters 2-59
- returning method's parameters 2-61
- sending error to client 2-53
- Service group
- advertising
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-2
- Service messages
- broadcasting
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-5
- dequeuing from reliable queue
- in Tuxedo 2-18
- enqueuing on reliable queue
- in Tuxedo 2-22
- forwarding
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-77
- sending from server to client
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-43
- unloading data from
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-92
- Service request
- cancelling
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-75
- event stream 2-69
- forwarding
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-77
- getting Tuxedo callid 5-542
- initiating
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-66
- receiving arguments from client
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-54
- returning from
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-79
- setting priority 2-68
- waiting for completion
- in JetNet/Tuxedo 2-97
- Services
- getting service alias 5-541
- inserting data 5-536
- selecting data 5-537, 5-538
- Setup variables
- setting at runtime
- Application behavior
- setting at runtime 5-416
- Sibling window
- changing focus 5-578
- setting next opened window 5-474
- dbms command
- executing SQL statement (not recommended) 11-49
- executing SQL statements
- on named cursor 11-34
- generating 5-19
- SQL generation
- appending text 5-46
- calling in C 5-19
- changing bind values 5-27
- changing FROM clause 5-32
- changing GROUP BY clause 5-35
- changing HAVING clause 5-37
- changing ORDER BY clause 5-43
- changing select list 5-40
- changing WHERE clause 5-48
- generating SELECT statement 5-53
- dbms command
- setting starting row 11-50
- transaction manager command
- initiating transaction 8-62
- Starting
- Panther 5-255
- Status bar
- deleting section 5-460
- formatting 5-461
- getting contents 5-462
- inserting section 5-463
- setting contents 5-466
- Status line
- cursor position display 5-102
- default message 2-37
- overriding 2-37, 5-121
- flushing 5-308
- message 5-360
- setting text 5-473
- toggling status 5-475
- Status line function
- cursor position display 5-102
- dbms command
- setting continuation file 11-51
- Stored procedures
- return codes 12-7
- String
- reading from file 5-181
- writing to file 5-188
- Styles
- disabling 5-17
- enabling 5-18
- Synchronized arrays
- finding next 5-390
- Synchronous service call 2-69
- calling in C function 5-494
- Table views
- before image data 5-213
- getting correlation name (alias) 5-52
- Terminal
- changing display size 5-447
- flushing buffer 5-191
- flushing delayed write 2-26
- initializing 5-228
- refreshing 5-445
- resetting to system defaults 5-446
- Text
- reading from field
- word wrapped 5-584
- writing to field 5-441
- word wrapped 5-585
- Text editor
- invoking for arrays 5-174
- Timeout
- preventing 2-66
- Timeout function
- testing input 5-260
- Transaction
- database drivers 11-1
- in the transaction manager
- changing transactions 8-10
- closing the current transaction 8-43
- starting a new transaction 8-62
- setting timeout
- on middleware transaction 2-102
- specifying service call outside of 2-67
- XA
- committing 2-106
- completing 2-108
- rolling back 2-110
- starting 2-102
- Transaction commands
- executing 5-497
- Transaction events 8-5, 9-1
- after an error 8-5
- clearing event stack 5-496
- getting event name 5-509
- getting event number 5-507
- popping event from stack 5-527
- pushing onto stack 5-530
- Transaction manager
- availability of CONTINUE 5-501
- before image processing 5-93, 5-95, 5-96, 5-208, 5-213
- changing to update mode 8-37
- changing to view mode 8-39
- clear fields 5-495
- clearing data in widgets 8-11
- clearing event stack 5-496
- closing current transaction 8-43
- closing database transaction 8-13
- commands 8-1
- listing of events 8-5
- controlling event stack 5-527, 5-530
- copying data for edit 8-35
- discarding changes 8-45
- entering new data 8-47
- error list 10-1
- errors
- database 5-503
- error logs 5-505
- reporting 5-499, 5-500, 5-504, 5-510, 5-519, 5-520, 5-521
- executing command 5-497
- fetching data
- for update 8-57
- for view 8-65
- getting first set of rows 8-27
- getting last set of rows 8-19
- getting next set of rows 8-16, 8-23, 8-41
- getting previous set of rows 8-31
- freeing memory 5-26
- generating SQL
- appending text 5-46
- changing bind values 5-27
- changing FROM clause 5-32
- changing GROUP BY clause 5-35
- changing HAVING clause 5-37
- changing ORDER BY clause 5-43
- changing select list 5-40
- changing WHERE clause 5-48
- for SELECT statements 5-53
- getting attributes 5-513, 5-523, 5-525
- hook function return codes 8-5
- initiating a transaction 8-62
- no-operation traversal 8-70, 8-72, 8-74, 8-76
- processing for transaction commands 8-1
- refreshing the screen 8-50
- restrictions 8-5
- saving database changes 8-52
- setting attributes 5-517, 5-528
- setting CLEAR command behavior 5-75
- setting number of rows in SELECT 5-72
- setting number of rows per fetch 5-73
- setting the transaction mode 8-4
- setting validation bits 5-76
- styles
- disabling 5-17
- enabling 5-18
- switching transactions 8-10
- transaction events 5-507, 5-509, 8-5, 9-1
- transaction requests 9-1
- tree traversal 8-4
- Transaction manager commands 8-1
- specifying the table view 8-4
- Transaction mode
- changing to initial mode 8-13, 8-45
- changing to new mode 8-47
- changing to update mode 8-37, 8-57
- changing to view mode 8-39, 8-65
- setting 8-4
- Transaction model
- return codes 8-5
- Transferring data. See Sending data
- Translation table
- installing 5-587
- Tuxedo
- posting event 2-47
- subscribing to event 2-82
- unsubscribing from event 2-94
- ULOG file
- writing message to 2-36
- dbms command
- suppressing repeating values 11-54
- Unsolicited message
- handling via message handler 2-57
- invoking 5-562
- Validation
- clearing MDT bit 5-107
- executing check digit function 5-105
- forcing
- for field 5-205
- for group 5-224
- for screen 5-457
- testing screen for modified data 5-548
- widget 5-556
- Validation link
- generating list of fields 5-539
- getting list of fields 5-540
- Variables
- creating JPL global variables 5-564
- declaring global in JPL 2-29
- declaring in JPL 2-95
- getting global values 5-231
- updating global values 5-242
- Video mapping
- initializing 5-558
- transaction manager command
- fetching data for view 8-65
- View operation
- generating argument list
- for service call 5-537, 5-538
- Viewport
- enabling user to change 5-577
- transaction manager command
- traversing tree 8-70
- transaction manager command
- traversing tree 8-72
- transaction manager command
- traversing tree 8-74
- transaction manager command
- traversing tree 8-76
- Warning messages
- database 12-9, 12-10, 12-18
- Web applications
- getting cookie values 5-561
- setting cookies 5-566
- writing an error log 5-563
- Web resources
- invoking 5-562
- WHERE clause
- changing SQL generation 5-48
- While loop 2-100
- Widget ID
- getting
- for base window 5-589
- for display 5-590
- for drawing area 5-152
- for screen-resident widget 5-571
- Widgets
- aliasing to column names 11-5
- attaching drawing function 5-87
- copying 5-396
- counting number in container 5-298
- creating object list 5-302
- deleting
- at runtime 5-402
- destroying object list 5-299
- getting runtime property values 5-428
- invoking popup menu 5-425
- repositioning at runtime 5-77
- setting runtime property values 5-435
- traversing container 5-300
- using Java methods 7-8
- validation 5-556
- Window
- changing focus of 5-578
- closing 5-110, 5-246
- deselecting 5-560
- giving focus to 5-580
- opening 5-256, 5-574
- at cursor location 5-86
- printing 5-388
- resizing 5-577
- setting next sibling 5-474
- setting position 5-256
- sibling 5-578, 5-580
- Window stack
- changing focus in 5-578
- changing order 5-580
- counting windows 5-559
- deselecting window 5-560
- dbms clause
- setting database connection 11-55
- dbms clause
- setting database cursor 11-57
- dbms clause
- setting database engine 11-59
- Word wrapped text
- getting length 5-582
- reading from field 5-584
- writing to field 5-585
- XA transactions
- committing 2-106
- completing 2-108
- rolling back 2-110
- starting 2-102
- generating 5-591
- to file 5-592
- importing 5-593
- from file 5-594