Programming Guide


Determines the behavior of the CLEAR command in transaction manager

#include <tmusubs.h>
int dm_set_tm_clear_fast(int clear_setting);

Setting for transaction manager CLEAR operations:


True: Clear data by server view.


False: Clear data by table view.


The current setting.



dm_set_tm_clear_fast determines how the transaction manager clears data in table views. By default, the transaction manager clears data by table view. To have the transaction manager clear data by server view, change the value of the tm_clear_fast application property by calling this function (or setting the property at runtime).

Do not call this function while the transaction manger is traversing table views for a CLEAR command. The current setting applies to the entire application; you cannot apply the setting per table view.

If you have added widgets to the synchronization group that are not part of a table view, they will be cleared.