Programming Guide


Initiates error message processing for a transaction manager error code

#include <tmusubs.h>
int sm_tm_command_emsgset(char *caller_id, int code);

A string used for identification; in Panther transaction models this is set to the module name followed by the function name where the event was triggered.

One of the transaction manager DM_TM_ERR_XXXX return codes.



sm_tm_command_emsgset reports an error to the transaction manager error processor (sm_tm_error). code is one of the DM_TM_ERR_XXX return codes returned from sm_tm_command. The error severity level is set to TM_EMSG. The error text generated corresponds to the error message for code.

If the TM_STATUS value of the current transaction is 0, this function sets TM_STATUS to -1. If both TM_STATUS and TM_MSG values of the current transaction are 0, this function sets TM_MSG to the value of code.