Getting Started-2-Tier

Lesson 1 . Setting Up the Client

A Panther client can run either on UNIX or Windows; instructions are given for both. Illustrations in this tutorial show the Windows version.

In this lesson you learn how to:

Setting up on Windows

In order to start the Panther client on Windows, you must provide setup information in the client's initialization file. A tutorial-specific initialization file tutorstd.ini is in the Windows directory. Variables in this file must be set as follows:

Note: Before beginning any of the steps below, be certain that you have installed the Panther software according to the steps listed in the Installation Guide.

  1. Set SMBASE to the full path name of your client's Panther installation on Windows. For example:

    Windows SMBASE=C:\prolifics\panther

  2. The client initialization file specifies through the application variable SMFLIBS which libraries open automatically when Panther (or any of its editors) starts up.

    To run this tutorial as a web application, all screens that you design must be stored in a library located in the web application directory (refer to "General environment settings").

    In order to open the client library when the editor starts up, set SMFLIBS to its full path name:


    Note: If the web application directory is on a remote host, your client must have access to that host's file system.

  3. Skip to step 9 in "Start up the Panther editor."

Setting up on UNIX

If you are setting up the client on UNIX, it is assumed that you are running under either the Korn or Bourne shell. Before setting up, you need to know the following:

Create an application directory

This tutorial recommends that you create a local directory under your home directory and change to it. You copy all necessary files to the new directory and perform all tasks in it. The tutorial uses this directory as the Panther application directory; in practice, the application directory is located in a central location that is accessible to the development team.

Note: Before beginning any of the steps below, be certain that you have installed the Panther software according to the steps listed in the Installation Guide.

  1. Log onto your UNIX machine.
  2. Create an application directory. For the purposes of this tutorial, create the directory in your home directory and call it proltut. At the command line, type:
    mkdir proltut
  3. Change to the proltut directory:
    cd proltut
  4. Copy the file from the Panther installation's config directory to the proltut directory. This file contains environment setup information that is required by Panther, such as path names and terminal information. Usually, a copy of this file resides in the application directory and in each developer's working directory.
    cp PantherInstallDir/config/ .

    where PantherInstallDir is the full path name to the Panther installation (/usr/prolifics by default).

Edit the environment setup file

You set the Panther environment on UNIX with the file. Edit your copy of this file to include information needed by the Panther software such as location of the installation and license file.

  1. Open up the file using an editor. Make the following changes:
  2. Save and close the file.
  3. At the command line, type:
    . ./

    This applies the settings in

  4. Copy all files from the Panther tutorial directory to your application directory (proltut):
    cp $SMBASE/samples/proltut/* .

    This copies the libraries ( client.lib, tutorstd.lib ) and the sample database to the proltut directory.

Restarting the tutorial

Each time you log onto your UNIX machine, you must run again before running the tutorial:

. ./

Start up the Panther editor

After you provide the required setup information, you can start the Panther editor and begin building your application's components.

  1. Depending on whether you invoke the Panther client from Windows or UNIX, use one of these procedures:

More About Toolbars

The editor's toolbar:

You can also use the Panther menu bar to create menus and toolbars to attach to individual screens or to the application as a whole.

Open a library and access its members

A tutorial library is provided with the Panther installation and is stored locally on your workstation or PC.

  1. Choose ViewLibrary TOC.

    The Library Table of Contents opens:

  2. Under Libraries, choose the Open button to gain access to libraries stored on your system.

    The Open Library dialog box opens:

  3. Select tutorstd.lib and choose Open (or OK on Motif).

    The Library Table of Contents dialog is updated, and tutorstd.lib is added to the list of open libraries.

What did you do?

In this lesson, you performed these tasks:

What did you learn?

You learned: