Web Development

Chapter 13. Deploying Web Applications

After you build an application, follow the instructions in this section to configure an application to run on the Web.

How to Configure a Panther Web Application

  1. Create an application directory on the web application server.
  2. Copy client.lib to the application directory. This library should contain the files that belong to your application, including: Panther screens and reports, image files, JPL modules, JavaScript files, and Java applet files.
  3. For JetNet and Oracle Tuxedo applications, copy common.lib to the application directory.

    Note: The web setup manager can guide you through creating the requester and initialization files needed by your application.

  4. Create the application's requester executable:
  5. Alternatively, the Panther web application can run as a Java servlet. For more information, refer to Appendix D, "Using Java Servlets."
  6. Create the application initialization file by copying the proweb.ini file. Name the copy application-name.ini. (For example, if the application name is vidorder, the initialization file would be called vidorder.ini.)

    The proweb.ini file is located in:

  7. Edit the application's initialization file for the following settings. (For complete information on initialization file settings, refer to Chapter 12, "Web Initialization Options.")
  8. For UNIX web applications, after the application is configured, start the application by using the monitor command. At the command line, type:
    monitor -start application-name[.exe]
  9. For Windows web applications, after the application is configured, install the application as a service using the monitor command. Refer to the monitor command for more information.