- Active screen
- The screen at the top of the window stack. This is the screen with which a user can interact. If there is a cursor, it is displayed on this screen.
- Attribute
- An attribute in Rose is the same as a property of a COM component. Properties and attributes hold data that needs to be programmatically available often and easily. An example would be a balance of a bank account component. They are published as part of the component's interface and therefore are available to foreign applications and components.
- CASE (Computer Aided/Assisted Software Engineering)
- A technique for using computers to help with one or more phases of the software life-cycle, including the systematic analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of software.
- CBD (Component-Based Development)
- The creation, integration, and reuse of components of program code, each of which has a common interface for use by multiple systems.
- Class
- The prototype for an object in an object-oriented language; similar to a derived type in a procedural language. A class may also be considered to be a set of objects that share a common structure and behavior. The structure of a class is determined by the class variables that represent the state of an object of that class. The behavior is given by a set of methods associated with the class.
- Class Diagram
- A class diagram displays design-time information. Class diagrams can be used to define components of an application, information about the components, and their relationship to other components.
- COM (Component Object Model)
- An open software architecture from DEC and Microsoft, allowing interoperation between ObjectBroker and OLE. It grew out of the efforts to provide a means of linking applications that were running together on the same desktop. It was then extended to support the invocation of components across a network (see DCOM). COM is the underlying technology upon which ActiveX and the Windows DNA architecture are based.
- Component
- A component is a unit of work that encapsulates business logic. It publishes an interface available to all foreign applications or components enabling easy integration.
- DCOM (Distributed COM, or Distributed Component Object Model)
- The extension of COM to support communication between components distributed across a network.
- Method
- See Operation.
- OO Design and Modeling
- A design method in which a system is modeled as a collection of cooperating objects and individual objects are treated as instances of a class within a class hierarchy. Object Oriented Design and Modeling tools provide a structured framework in which to design and diagram component-based applications and their business processes. They are the latest generation of CASE tools targeted more directly however to object-oriented programming styles and component-based applications.
- Operation
- An operation in Rose is similar to a method of a COM component. Operations and methods hold the business logic to be processed upon application events, similar to functions. They are published as part of the component's interface and therefore are available to foreign applications and components.
- Property
- See Attribute.
- UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a set of (mostly graphical) notations for describing object-oriented systems.