The Panther properties must be updated in existing models. Choose ToolsModel PropertiesReplace and select the panther.pty file.
Check them and click Apply. If the items become unchecked when you click Apply, reinstall Rose Panther Link.
Select Add-InsAdd-In Manager. Make sure Panther and PantherLanguage are checked, click Apply. If the items become unchecked when you click Apply, reinstall Rose Panther Link.
Select Add-InsAdd-In Manager. Make sure Panther and PantherLanguage are checked. Click Apply. If the items become unchecked when you click Apply, reinstall Rose Panther Link.
Double-click on the class and choose the Panther tab. Make sure that the PantherLibraryPath is defined.
Double-click on the class and choose the Panther tab. Make sure that the JavaCodePath is defined.
Double-click on the class and choose the Panther tab. Make sure that the PantherLibrary is defined.
Double-click on the class and choose the Attributes tab. Double-click on the attribute to bring up the Class Attribute Specification window. Make sure the Export Control on General tab is set to Public.