Install-Panther WebSphere

Appendix C. New UNIX Executables

As part of the Panther installation package, a set of standard Panther executables is provided. Depending on the version of software, your configuration, and the platform and database being used, you might need to create new executables. Specifically, a new executable is required if you are adding another database driver or using IXI Motif libraries.

Note: Panther WebSphere Edition uses shared libraries for database connectivity, and does not require new executables to link in additional database drivers.

Create New Panther Executables

To create a new Panther executable:
  1. Complete the Panther installation process, including licensing.
  2. Ensure that the appropriate application variables (SMBASE, etc.) have been applied to your environment.
  3. Go to your application directory (or create one) and copy all files from the Panther link subdirectory to it.
  4. Edit the makefile in your application directory, commenting or uncommenting lines as needed to build the appropriate executables. For further information, refer to "Specifying the Executables."
  5. Uncomment the appropriate database in the makefile and edit the database-specific makevars.dbs (where dbs is the extension of the database) file to choose the correct version of your database software. For further information, refer to "Linking in the Database."
  6. Type make at the command line to build the executable. By default, the makefile in the current directory is used for the make command.
  7. The make process creates new Panther executables, prodev, jserver, etc. give the executable file a unique name to distinguish it from the distributed executable or others that you have built differently.
  8. If you are running IXI Motif, and you rebuilt the prorun executable, copy the new prorun to jiutil in the Panther util subdirectory.
  9. If you built a new web application broker executable (jserver), modify the SERVER variable in your web application's initialization file to reference the new jserver executable in its own directory. Do not overwrite the jserver executable in the util directory.

Specifying the Executables

To indicate the executables to build, edit the makefile in your application directory:
  1. Comment or uncomment the appropriate client executables as needed (these are uncommented by default):

    PRORUN = prorun

    Runtime executable

    PRODEV = prodev

    Development executable

    RWRUN = rwrun

    Report batch utility

    For platforms that have been installed with server software, comment or uncomment the appropriate server executables as needed:

    JSERVER = jserver

    Web application broker executable (uncommented by default)

    PROSERV = proserv

    Server executable for JetNet/Oracle Tuxedo (uncommented by default)

    PRODSERV = prodserv

    Debuggable server executable for JetNet/Oracle Tuxedo (commented out by default)

    PROGSERV = progserv

    Conversion server executable for JetNet/Oracle Tuxedo (commented out by default)

  2. To override the value of certain application variables such as SMBASE, uncomment the appropriate lines in the PARAMETERS section.
  3. If you have the Panther web application broker on the same machine as other Panther software, it is recommended that they be installed in the same directory. However, if they are not in the same directory, set WEBBASE (in WEB PARAMETERS section) to the web application broker installation directory.
  4. The Panther debugger allows you to trace JPL and Panther screen events and is installed by default for clients. If you do not wish to use the debugger, comment the lines in the DEBUGGER PARAMETERS section.
  5. You have the option of building a standalone executable and of also building a workstation client. To build either, comment or uncomment the appropriate lines in the MIDDLEWARE PARAMETERS section.

Linking in the Database

If you are using a database other than JDB, you must edit the makefile in your application directory to link in the appropriate database.

To include the appropriate database in your executables:
  1. Uncomment the appropriate include statement in the SELECT DATABASE SOFTWARE section of the makefile.

    By default, JDB is uncommented; if you choose another database, you can leave JDB uncommented (and include it in your executable) or you can comment out JDB and include only your database.

  2. Edit the corresponding makevars.dbs (where dbs is the extension of the database) file to choose the correct version of your database software.

    In the makevars.dbs file, verify or update the following: