Appendix E. Troubleshooting Guide

Errors listed in this chapter can be encountered when developing or deploying a COM/MTS application.

Errors on the server machine can be logged during development testing. For more information on log files, refer to "Logging Server Messages."

Error Message Listing

ERROR: at line xxx in procedureName (proc procedureName) 'ret=sm_obj_call`


JPL programming error. In this instance, JPL procedures were included to instantiate the component, but the Screen Entry and Screen Exit properties to call those procedures had not been set.


Set the Screen Entry and Screen Exit properties to the required names.

ERROR: Call was rejected by callee.


Your entry in the other COM component is incomplete


If you get this error when you request data from Microsoft Excel, your cursor is still in the cell from which you requested data. You must move the cursor to a new cell on the spreadsheet to complete an entry in that application.

ERROR: COM status returnMember not found.


server.lib cannot be found.


  1. Place server.lib in the same application directory as the DLLs for the Panther COM components.

  2. If the library has a different name or a different location, create an smvars.bin file with a setting for SMFLIBS to open the desired library.
ERROR: mtx.exe PrlSmCom.dll cannot be found in ...


The PATH variable has been updated, but MTS references an old setting.


Reboot the machine.

ERROR: Server execution failed.


This error appears when there is an error on component entry.

  1. Check that the procedure/function specified for entry is available.

  2. Check that the Panther DLLs are present and specified as part of the PATH.
ERROR: Type mismatch error.


The type library does not specify enough information about the data types used in the COM control.


Attempt the call using the @obj syntax. For an example of its use, refer to sm_com_load_picture.