Using the Editors

Appendix B. Wizard Output

This appendix lists the properties that are set on screens, widgets, and reports generated by the screen and report wizards. It also describes the function of some of the property settings.

Screen Wizard Output Property Specifications

The screen wizard sets several screen and widget properties for two-tier and three-tier applications. This section lists some of the important properties that control appearance and behavior.

Two-Tier Property Specifications

Screen Property Specifications

The screen wizard sets screen properties that control screen behavior. You can edit these properties; however you must be aware that any changes to these properties will alter the behavior of your screens. Some of the important screen properties are as follows:

Widget Property Specifications

The screen wizard sets properties for the widgets that control their behavior and appearance.

You can edit the widget properties that control the appearance of your widgets. Some of the properties are as follows:

You can also edit the widget properties that control screen behavior. Some of the important properties are as follows:

Selection Screen Property Specifications

For a two-tier architecture, the selection screens (.itm) generated by the screen wizard have the following features:

You can edit any of the following selection screen properties that control selection screen behavior.

If the primary key of the table consists of more than one column (sometimes known as a composite key), then two additional screen properties are set:

Three-Tier Property Specifications

Screen Property Specifications

The screen wizard sets screen properties for three-tier client screens and service components that control screen behavior. You can edit these properties; however you must be aware that any changes to these properties will alter the behavior of your screens.

Some of the important three-tier client screen properties are as follows:

Some of the important service component properties are as follows:

Widget Property Specifications

For client screens in a three-tier architecture, the screen wizard sets properties for the widgets on the screen that control screen appearance and screen behavior.

You can edit the widget properties that control the appearance of your screens. Some of the properties are as follows:

You can also edit widget properties that control screen behavior. Some of the important properties are as follows:

Selection Screen Property Specifications

For a three-tier architecture, the selection screens (.cit) generated by the screen wizard have the following features:

You can edit any of the following selection screen properties; however you must be aware that any changes to these properties will alter the behavior of your selection screens.

If the primary key of the table consists of more than one column (sometimes known as a composite key), two additional properties set on the screen:

Report Wizard Output Property Specifications

The report wizard automatically sets a number of properties both on the report file itself and on individual widgets. This section briefly describes some of the properties that are set by the report wizard.

Report file
The report wizard defines and sets the following properties for the report file:

Page orientation
If the width of the report exceeds 8.5 inches, the Orientation property is set to Landscape. Otherwise, the property value is set to Portrait.

Data fetching
For each detail node, the Data Source property is set to TM View. This indicates that the transaction manager executes VIEW and CONTINUE commands to fetch the report data. When the transaction manager executes these commands, data is fetched for any dynamic output widget that is a member of the current transaction.

Table views
For the root table view, the Sort Widgets property contains the names of widgets not included in the report totals. If you delete a widget from the report, you also must delete the widget from the Sort Widgets property. Otherwise, you get an error.

Data grouping
For each group node, the Break On property is set to a database column chosen in the Data Group Order dialog box. The hierarchy of group nodes corresponds to the order selected on that dialog.

For each print node, the Area property is set to the appropriate layout area.