Bug Fixes in Panther 5.50
This document describes the bug fixes in Panther 5.50 |
Panther Client
38579 Allow auto resizing when resizable widgets with different heights overlap
38578 Setting onscreen_rows property of a grid can cause the grid width to change
38574 Screen resize function does not fire if the new row/column size is too large
38493 Skip hidden columns when computing grid width in the Editor
38492 Listboxes should shift when the PR_CURRENT_OFFSET property is set
38484 Filename in the DBMS STORE FILE command cannot contain spaces.
38565 Extra white space at the bottom of popup when data in box < the number of rows
38564 Right justified labels are cut off
38555 Field exit function return value other than 0 or 1 should reposition the cursor to the field
38550 Sm_fftype can return an unexpected field type edit when the C Type Property is set for a field
38545 tmcommon.c: val_gen Cannot create SQL generation data -20 error
38532 Possible crash in sm_print_inierror() when SMBASE is long and there is an initialization error to report
38526 Styles are not applied properly to occurrences of an array for Update Occ mode, when the SELECT command is used
38525 The Panther Debugger can crash when a Panther installed function called from JAVA returns NULL
38513 The Editor can crash inheriting the Font Name property when going from APPLICATION mode to EDIT mode
37934 Add support for the MSSCCI source control providers.
38568 Panther 64 bit now ships with native 64bit Menu bar editor (mbedit64.exe)
38592 Installer should not copy the server DLLs to %WINDIR%\system32\, or %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\
38582 Check for multiple monitors when the WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message is received
38596 Panther for Windows can crash when changing an MLT widget's attributes
38569 Valgrind reports memory errors in sm_edit_put_2 in Menu Bar Editor
Panther Web Broker
38548 {{form:info}} tag no longer outputs hidden widgets as hidden <input> elements in the HTML , or as server data in the cache
38528 Screen with offscreen group selections crashes
38527 Hidden <input> elements are missing from the HTML when an HTML template is used
38518 Proweb fails & exits immediately with error on Solaris 11
38517 Focus protecting a text field, hides the initial text
38466 Program Directory field in WebSetup extended
38499 Problems reading the appname.Port file in /tmp/JamWeb
Panther Report Writer
38573 Report orientation can change from portrait to landscape when windows driver creates
reports for paper shorter than 11"
38530 Some report lines may not fully shrink when a report Print Node has Shrink set to Yes
Panther Database Driver
38496 DB2: CLI Connection Strings should always include the DSN keyword
38491 DB2: The Panther DB2 driver does not work in 64 bit ports
38566 Oracle: Oracle OCI driver can crash if the first stored procedure parameter is not an input
38512 Oracle: When the OCI driver's UTF8 connection option is used, data may not be fetched
correctly after invoking the DBMS STORE FILE
38509 Oracle: The Oracle driver no longer sets @dmengerrcode to 1403 at the end of fetch
38490 ODBC: The Panther ODBC driver is not fully thread safe
38488 ODBC: Allow user to change how the case of the names of bound variables is handled
38553 ODBC: The ODBC Database Driver may fail to fetch data if not all the columns are mapped to
38543 Improve error recovery in dm_exec_fld_mode to avoid a crash
Panther JEE Application Server
38551 Improper EAR file created using MakeWS.exe in web_services_preview2 edition of Panther
5.40 for WAS
38594 makews utility should produce web services with Java classes that use the @stateless
38588 Linux/Unix support for makews, and better error handling for all platforms