This chapter provides documentation specific to SYBASE using DB Library. It discusses the following:
This document is designed as a supplement to information found in the Application Development Guide.
Database engine initialization occurs in the source file dbiinit.c. This source file is unique for each database engine and is constructed from the settings in the makevars file. In Prolifics for SYBASE, this results in the following vendor_list structure in dbiinit.c:
static vendor_t vendor_list[] = { {"sybase", dm_sybsup, DM_DEFAULT_CASE ,(char *) 0}, { (char *) 0, (int (*)()) 0, (int) 0, (char *) 0 } };
The settings are as follows:
Engine name. May be changed.
Support routine name. Do not change.
Case setting for matching SELECT columns with Prolifics variable names. May be changed.
For Prolifics for SYBASE, the settings can be changed by editing the makevars.syb file.
You can change the engine name associated with the support routine dm_sybsup. The application then uses that name in DBMS ENGINE statements and in WITH ENGINE clauses. For example, if you wish to use "tracking" as the engine name, change the following parameter in the makevars.syb file:
If the application is accessing multiple engines, it makes SYBASE the default engine by executing:
DBMS ENGINE sybase-engine-name
where sybase-engine-name is the string used in vendor_list. For example,
DBMS ENGINE tracking
dm_sybsup is the name of the support routine for SYBASE. This name should not be changed.
The case flag, DM_DEFAULT_CASE, determines how Prolifics's database drivers use case when searching for Prolifics variables for holding SELECT results. This setting is used when comparing SYBASE column names to either a Prolifics variable name or to a column name in a DBMS ALIAS statement.
SYBASE is case-sensitive. SYBASE uses the exact case of a SQL statement when creating database objects like tables and columns. In subsequent SQL statements, you must use the same exact case when referring to these objects. The default setting for case-sensitive engines is DM_PRESERVE_CASE. This means that the SYBASE column name is matched to a Prolifics variable with the same name and case when processing SELECT results.
The case setting can be changed. You can force Prolifics to perform case-insensitive searches. Substitute the l option in the makevars file to match SYBASE column names to lower case Prolifics variables, or use the u option to match to upper case Prolifics variables.
If you edit makevars.syb, you must remake your Prolifics executables. For more information on engine initialization, refer to Chapter -#- in the Application Development Guide.
SYBASE allows your application to use one or more connections. The application can declare any number of named connections with DBMS DECLARE CONNECTION statements, up to the maximum number permitted by the server.
The following options are supported for connections to SYBASE:
Table 1. Database connection options.
1 | 2
DBMS [ WITH ENGINE engine ] DECLARE connection CONNECTION \ [ FOR [ USER user-name ] [ PASSWORD password ] \ [ DATABASE database ] [ SERVER server ] \ [ APPLICATION application-name ] [ CURSORS number-of-cursors ] \ [ HOST host-name ] [ INTERFACES interface-file-pathname ] \ [ SQLTIMEOUT seconds ] [ TIMEOUT seconds ] [ CHARSET character-set ] ]
For example:
DBMS DECLARE dbi_session CONNECTION FOR \ USER ":uname" PASSWORD ":pword" DATABASE "sales" \ SERVER "sybase10" APPLICATION "sales" HOST "oak" \ INTERFACES "/usr/sybase/" \ CURSORS "2" SQLTIMEOUT "120" TIMEOUT "15"
Additional keywords are available for other database engines. If those keywords are included in your DBMS DECLARE CONNECTION command for SYBASE, it is treated as an error.
The Import=>Database Objects option in the screen editor creates Prolifics repository entries based on database tables in an SYBASE database. When the import process is complete, each selected database table has a corresponding repository entry screen.
In Prolifics for SYBASE, the following database objects can be imported as repository entries:
After the import process is complete, the repository entry screen contains:
Each import session allows you to display and select up to 1000 database tables. Each database table can have up to 255 columns. If your database contains more than 1000 tables, use the filter to control which database tables are displayed.
A table view is a group of associated widgets on an application screen. As a general rule, the members of a table view are derived from the same database table. When a database table is first imported to a Prolifics repository, the new repository screen has one table view that is named after the database table. All the widgets corresponding to the database columns are members of that table view.
The import process inserts values in the following table view properties:
For each repository entry based on a database view, the primary key widgets must be available if you want to update data in that view. To do this, check that the Prolifics table view's Primary Keys property is set to the correct value. Then, the widgets corresponding to the primary keys must be members of either the Prolifics table view or one of its parent table views. For repository entries based on database tables, this information is automatically imported.
Links are created from the foreign key definitions entered in the database. The application screen must contain links if you are using the transaction manager and the screen contains more than one table view.
Check the link properties to see if they need to be edited for your application screen. The Parent and Child properties might need to be reversed or the Link Type might need to be changed.
Refer to Chapter -#- in the Application Development Guide for more information on links.
A widget is created for each database column. The name of the widget corresponds to the database column name. The Inherit From property is set to @DATABASE indicating that the widget was imported from the database engine. The Justification property is set to Left. Other widget properties are assigned based on the data type.
The following table lists the values for the C Type, Length, and Precision properties assigned to each SYBASE data type.
Table 2. Importing Database Tables
SYBASE Data Type
Prolifics Type
C Type
Widget Length
Widget Precision
Hex Dec
column length * 2
Char String
column length
scale > 0
column precision + column scale + 1
column scale
Long Int
column precision
double precision
UseInUpdate property
The Use In Update property is also set to No for certain data types. In SYBASE, this applies to the data types text, image, and for any numeric column that is defined as identity.
Null Field property
For more information about usage of Prolifics type and C type, refer to Chapter -#- of the Application Development Guide.
This section contains information about the special data formatting that is performed for the engine. For general information on data formatting, refer to Chapter -#- in the Application Development Guide.
Prolifics uses SYBASE's convert function and the SYBASE format string, yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss to convert a Prolifics date-time format to a SYBASE format.
In order for conversion to take place, the widget must have the C Type set to Default and the Format/Display=>Data Formatting property set to Date/Time. Any date-time Format Type is appropriate.
This is the format for literal dates. It is compatible with SYBASE national language support.
SYBASE requires a leading dollar sign for values inserted in a money column in order to ensure precision. Prolifics will use a leading dollar sign when it formats widgets with a Prolifics type of DT_CURRENCY. Any other amount formatting characters are stripped. Therefore, if a currency field contained
Prolifics would format it as
Note that when the select list includes the values of text and image data types, the limit on the length of the data returned depends on the server setting of textsize. The SYBASE server default is 32K; however, this value can be changed on the server via the SYBASE set command. The global variable @@textsize contains the current maximum.
Each Prolifics cursor uses a SYBASE dbprocess. By default, Prolifics for SYBASE uses one cursor (dbprocess) for operations performed by DBMS SQL. Therefore, if an application executes the sequence:
the following command to display additional rows in the select set:
will fail because SYBASE discards the select set when the cursor is re-used.
Prolifics for SYBASE supports a connection option of CURSORS 2 for simulating two default cursors. When this option is used, Prolifics for SYBASE opens two default cursors on each connection. It uses one cursor for all SELECT statements. It uses the second cursor for all non-SELECT statements; this includes INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and all stored procedure calls. Transaction commands (BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK) are also issued for the non-SELECT cursor.
If you use the CURSORS 2 connection option, you will need to declare a named cursor to execute a stored procedure (or SQL batch command) that returns select rows. The second default cursor never returns select rows.
Prolifics does not put any limit on the number of cursors an application may declare to an SYBASE engine. Because each cursor requires memory and SYBASE resources, however, it is recommended that applications close a cursor when it is no longer needed.
For more information on cursors, refer to Chapter -#- in the Application Development Guide.
SYBASE has native support for non-sequential scrolling in a select set. This capability is available on any cursor. As an alternative, you can switch to Prolifics scrolling. Both systems allow you to use the following commands:
For native scrolling, use this command:
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] SET_BUFFER number-of-rows
This command sets the DB-Library option DBBUFFER. When this command is used, SYBASE buffers the specified number of select rows in the program's memory.
For Prolifics scrolling, use this command::
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] STORE FILE [ filename ]
To turn off Prolifics scrolling and close the continuation file, use this command:
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] STORE
or close the Prolifics cursor with DBMS CLOSE CURSOR.
For more information on scrolling, refer to Chapter -#- in the Application Development Guide.
Prolifics developers using SYBASE should consider locking issues when building applications that select large amounts of data.
When an application executes a SQL SELECT that returns many rows, SYBASE might use a "shared lock" on each data page to preserve read-consistency. That is, to preserve the state of the selected data, SYBASE might prevent other applications or users from changing the data until the application has received all the rows. This behavior is usually seen for select sets that contain several hundred rows.
As a part of developing and testing an application, you should monitor SYBASE's behavior by running the SYBASE command sp_lock from another terminal when the application executes a SELECT. If a SELECT executed by a Prolifics application is holding a lock, the cursor's spid will be listed.
Because a shared lock prevents other users from updating data, it is important to release shared locks as soon as possible. To release a shared locked, you must either:
An application has two ways of getting the entire select set:
For example, an application might set up a continuation file before executing a SELECT. Before returning control to the user, the application might execute DBMS CONTINUE_BOTTOM, which forces Prolifics get all the rows from the select set and buffer them in a temporary file. This also forces SYBASE to release any shared lock it is holding for the SELECT.
In the following example, the application puts a message on the status line and flushes the display. Next it sets up a continuation file and executes the SELECT. It calls DBMS CONTINUE_BOTTOM to force Prolifics to get all the rows. Finally, it calls DBMS CONTINUE_TOP to ensure that the select set's first page (rather than its last page) of rows is displayed when control is returned to the user.
proc big_select msg setbkstat "Processing. Please be patient..." flush DBMS STORE FILE DBMS SQL SELECT .... DBMS CONTINUE_BOTTOM DBMS CONTINUE_TOP msg d_msg " " return
An application can also limit the number of rows a user can view at a time by using the DBMS FLUSH command. When this command is executed, SYBASE discards any pending rows and releases all associated locks. For example,
proc big_select DBMS SQL SELECT .... if @dmretcode != DM_NO_MORE_ROWS DBMS FLUSH return
To monitor lock information within the application, the application can query SYBASE for the spid (server process id) number of a cursor and the number of locks held by the cursor. Note that each cursor has its own spid and it keeps the same spid number until the application closes the cursor. To get a cursor's spid number, an application must use the cursor to select the global SYBASE variable @@spid.
# Get the SYBASE spid for a Prolifics cursor # before SELECTing rows. proc get_spid (cursor) vars spid if cursor == "" DBMS SQL SELECT spid = @@spid else { DBMS DECLARE :cursor CURSOR FOR \ SELECT spid = @@spid DBMS EXECUTE :cursor } return spid
# Get the number of locks held by a SYBASE spid. proc lockstatus (spid4select) vars lcount DBMS DECLARE lock_cursor CURSOR FOR \ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master.dbo.syslocks \ WHERE spid = :spid4select DBMS WITH CURSOR lock_cursor ALIAS lcount DBMS WITH CURSOR lock_cursor EXECUTE DBMS CLOSE CURSOR lock_cursor return lcount
An application can get a cursor's spid before executing a SELECT for rows. After fetching rows the application can query SYBASE for the number of locks. Note that the order of these statements is important: if an application attempts to get a cursor's spid after fetching rows, the SELECT for the cursor's spid will release any locks and any pending rows. For this reason, be sure to get the cursor's spid before fetching rows. Refer to the example below.
proc select vars cursor_spid, locks_before, locks_after cursor_spid = get_spid ("c1") locks_before = lockstatus (cursor_spid) DBMS DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT ... DBMS WITH CURSOR c1 EXECUTE locks_after = lockstatus (cursor_spid) if locks_after > locks_before msg emsg "The SELECT has locked data." return 0
Prolifics uses the global variables described in the following sections to supply error and status information in an application. Note that some global variables can not be used in the current release; however, these variables are reserved for use in other engines and for use in future releases of Prolifics for SYBASE.
Prolifics initializes the following global variables for error code information:
Standard database driver status code.
Standard database driver status message.
SYBASE error code.
SYBASE error message.
Return code from an executed stored procedure.
SYBASE returns error codes and messages when it aborts a command. It usually aborts a command because the application used an invalid option or because the user did not have the authority required for an operation. Prolifics writes SYBASE error codes to the global variable @dmengerrcode and writes SYBASE messages to @dmengerrmsg.
All SYBASE errors with a severity greater than 10 are Prolifics errors. Otherwise, they are considered warnings.
DBMS ONERROR JPL errors DBMS DECLARE dbi_session CONNECTION FOR ... proc errors (stmt, engine, flag) if @dmengerrcode == 0 msg emsg "JAM error: " @dmretmsg else msg emsg "JAM error: " @dmretmsg " %N" \ ":engine error is " @dmengerrcode " " @dmengerrmsg return 1
For additional information about engine errors, refer to your SYBASE documentation. For more information about error processing in Prolifics, refer to Chapter -#- in the Application Development Guide and Chapter -#- in the Programming Guide.
Prolifics initializes the following global variables for warning information:
SYBASE warning code.
SYBASE warning message.
Prolifics writes the code to @dmengwarncode and the message to @dmengwarnmsg.
A warning usually describes some non-fatal change in the SYBASE environment. For example, SYBASE issues a warning when the application changes a connection's default database.
You might wish to use an exit hook function to process warnings. An exit hook function is installed with DBMS ONEXIT. A sample exit hook function is shown below.
proc check_status (stmt, engine, flag)
if @dmengwarncode msg emsg ":engine Warning is " @dmengwarnmsg return
Prolifics initializes the following global variables for row information:
Count of the number of SYBASE rows affected by an operation.
Not used in Prolifics for SYBASE.
SYBASE returns a count of the rows affected by an operation. Prolifics writes this value to the global variable @dmrowcount.
As explained on the manual page for @dmrowcount, the value of @dmrowcount after a SQL SELECT is the number of rows fetched to Prolifics variables. This number is less than or equal to the total number of rows in the select set. The value of @dmrowcount after a SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE is the total number of rows affected by the operation. Note that this variable is reset when another DBMS statement is executed, including DBMS COMMIT.
The value of @dmrowcount might be unexpected after executing a stored procedure. This is documented SYBASE behavior. If you need this information, SYBASE recommends that you test for it within the stored procedure and return it as an output parameter or return code. @@rowcount is a SYBASE global variable. For example:
Refer to your SYBASE Command Reference Manual for more information.
A stored procedure is a precompiled set of SQL statements that are recorded in the database and executed by calling the procedure name. Since the SQL parsing and syntax checking for a stored procedure are performed when the procedure is created, executing a stored procedure is faster than executing the same group of SQL statements individually. By passing parameters to and from the stored procedure, the same procedure can be used with different values. In addition to SQL statements, stored procedures can also contain control flow language, such as if statements, which gives greater control over the processing of the statements.
Database engines implement stored procedures very differently. If you are porting your application from one database engine to another, you need to be aware of the differences in the engine implementation.
An application can execute a stored procedure with DBMS SQL and the engine's command for execution, EXEC. For example:
DBMS SQL [ DECLARE parameter data-type \ [ DECLARE parameter data-type ... ] ] \ EXEC procedure-name [ parameter [ OUT ][, parameter [ OUT ]...] ]
An application can also use a named cursor to execute a stored procedure:
DBMS DECLARE cursor CURSOR FOR \ [ DECLARE parameter data-type [ DECLARE parameter data-type ... ] ] \ EXEC procedure-name [ parameter [ OUT ][ , parameter [ OUT ]...] ]
The cursor can then be executed with the following statement:
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor ] EXECUTE [ USING values ]
The following statement executes this stored procedure, updating the status column of the tapes table using the onscreen values of the widgets title_id and copy_num.
DBMS SQL EXEC update_tapes :+title_id, :+copy_num
A DECLARE CURSOR statement can also execute a stored procedure. First, a cursor is declared identifying the parameters. Then, the cursor is executed with a USING clause that gets the onscreen values of the widgets title_id and copy_num.
DBMS DECLARE x CURSOR FOR EXEC update_tapes \ ::parm1, ::parm2 DBMS WITH CURSOR x EXECUTE USING title_id, copy_num
Remember to use double colons (::) in a DECLARE CURSOR statement for cursor parameters. If a single colon or colon-plus were used, the data would be supplied when the cursor was declared, not when it was executed. Refer to Chapter -#- in the Application Development Guide for more information.
If the DBMS supports output parameters, the keyword OUT traps the value of an output parameter in a Prolifics variable. For example, the stored procedure rent_summary calculates the total number of rentals for the day and the total price paid for those rentals.
The application should declare a cursor for the procedure:
DBMS DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR \ declare @t1 int declare @t2 money \ EXEC rent_summary @num_rented=@t1 OUT, \ @tot_price=@t2 OUT, @day =::today DBMS WITH CURSOR cur1 EXECUTE USING today = day
Note that t1 and t2 are temporary SYBASE variables, not Prolifics variables. SYBASE requires that output values be passed as variables, not as constants. If num_rented and tot_price are Prolifics variables, the procedure returns the number of videos rented on a specific day and the total price paid for those videos. The application can use DBMS ALIAS to map the values of output parameters to Prolifics variables. You can modify the previous procedure so that it maps the value of of num_rented to the Prolifics variable vid_count and the value of tot_price to the Prolifics variable total_paid:
DBMS DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR \ declare @t1 int declare @t2 money \ EXEC rent_summary @num_rented=@t1 OUT, \ @tot_price=@t2 OUT, @day =::today DBMS WITH CURSOR cur1 ALIAS num_rented vid_count, \ tot_price total_paid DBMS WITH CURSOR cur1 EXECUTE USING today = day
In addition to the EXEC command, SYBASE supports a remote procedure call ("rpc") for executing a stored procedure. You should consider using rpc rather than EXEC when either the following occur:
To make a remote procedure call, an application performs the following steps:
The sections below describe these steps in detail. Examples follow.
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection ] \ DECLARE cursor CURSOR FOR RPC procedure \ [ ::parameter [ OUT ] [ , ::parameter [ OUT ]..] ]
The keyword RPC is required. Following the keyword is the name of the procedure and the names of the procedure's parameters. All parameters must begin with a double colon, the Prolifics syntax for cursor parameters. The name of the bind parameter must be the same parameter name used in the procedure. If a parameter is an output parameter, the keyword OUT should follow the parameter name if the application is to receive its value.
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor ] TYPE [ parameter ] engine-data-type \ [ , [ parameter ] engine-data-type ...]
parameter is a parameter in the DECLARE CURSOR statement. engine-data-type is the data type of a parameter in the procedure. If parameter names are not given, the types are assigned by position.
Prolifics uses the information in the DBMS TYPE statement to make the required calls to add parameters to an rpc. Please note that DBMS TYPE has no effect on the data formatting that is performed for binding.
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor ] ALIAS [ output_parameter ] variable \ [ , [ output_parameter ] variable ... ]
If the procedure selects rows, aliases can be given for the tables' columns. If the procedure returns output parameters and column values, aliases should be given by name rather than by position.
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor ] EXECUTE \ USING [ parameter = ] variable [ , [ parameter = ] variable ... ]
Prolifics passes the name of the parameter given in the DBMS DECLARE CURSOR statement, the data type of the parameter given in the DBMS TYPE statement, and the parameter's value which is the value of variable.
Parameters and Prolifics variables can be bound either by name or by position. The two forms should not be mixed, however, in one statement.
An rpc is more efficient than an exec cursor because the procedure has an input parameter with a non-character data type, and because it returns an output parameter.
The following statement declares an rpc cursor for the stored procedure. The names of the bind parameters match the parameters in the stored procedure. Note that the keyword OUT follows the output parameter.
DBMS DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR RPC cust_rent ::cid, ::crent, \ ::rprice, ::newrent OUT
Before executing the cursor, the application must specify the SYBASE data types for any non-character data types.
DBMS WITH CURSOR cur2 TYPE \ cid int, crent money, rprice money, newrent money
When executing the cursor, the application must provide a Prolifics variable for each parameter. Prolifics passes the name, data type, and value of the parameters to the procedure. Note that the procedure does not use the input value of the parameter newrent. Prolifics's binding mechanism, however, requires a variable in the USING clause for each parameter.
DBMS WITH CURSOR cur2 EXECUTE cust_rent \ USING cust_id, rent_amount, price, newrent
The procedure passes its output, the new total, to the Prolifics variable newrent.
If instead, you wish to put the output value in the widget rent1, execute the following:
DBMS WITH CURSOR cur2 ALIAS newrent rent1 DBMS WITH CURSOR cur2 EXECUTE cust_rent USING cid=cust_id, \ crent=rent_amount, rprice=price, newrent=rent1
Note that the variable names in the USING clause do not affect the destination of output values when the cursor is executed. Only a DBMS ALIAS statement can remap the output variables to other Prolifics variables.
Of course, this procedure can also be executed with the standard EXEC cursor. It would require the following declaration,
DBMS DECLARE cur3 CURSOR FOR \ declare @x money \ EXEC cust_rent @cid = ::cust_id, @crent = ::rent_amount, \ @rprice = ::price, @newrent = @x output DBMS WITH CURSOR cur3 EXECUTE cust_rent \ USING cid=cust_id, crent=rent_amount, rprice=price, \ newrent=newrent
Prolifics provides the global variable @dmengreturn to trap the return status code of a stored procedure. This variable is empty unless a stored procedure explicitly sets it. Note that the variable will not be set until the procedure has completed execution. Therefore, an application should evaluate the value of @dmengreturn when @dmretcode = DM_END_OF_PROC.
Executing a new DBMS statement clears the value of @dmengreturn.
If multiply is the following stored procedure,
the application should set up variables for the output parameters.
Either an rpc cursor or an exec cursor can be declared and executed for the procedure that calculates the values in the Prolifics variables m1 and m2 and then writes the values of the output parameters guess and result to the Prolifics variables attempt and answer.
# RPC cursor DBMS DECLARE x CURSOR FOR \ RPC multiply ::m1, ::m2, ::guess OUT, ::result OUT DBMS WITH CURSOR x TYPE m1 int, m2 int, \ guess int, result int DBMS WITH CURSOR x ALIAS guess attempt, result answer DBMS WITH CURSOR x EXECUTE USING m1, m2, attempt, answer
# EXEC cursor DBMS DECLARE y CURSOR FOR \ declare @syb_tmp1 int \ declare @syb_tmp2 int \ select @syb_tmp1 = ::user_guess\ EXEC multiply @m1=::p1, @m2=::p2, \ @guess= @syb_tmp1 OUT, @result= @syb_tmp2 OUT DBMS WITH CURSOR y ALIAS guess attempt, result answer DBMS WITH CURSOR y EXECUTE \ USING user_guess = attempt, p1 = m1, p2 = m2
After executing the cursor, the application can test the value of @dmengreturn and display a message based on the return status code.
proc check_ret if @dmretcode == DM_END_OF_PROC { if @dmengreturn == 1 msg emsg "Good job!" else if @dmengreturn == 2 msg emsg "Better luck next time." } else { DBMS NEXT call check_ret } return
Prolifics's database driver for SYBASE provides a command for controlling the execution of a stored procedure that contains more than one SELECT statement. The command is:
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor ] SET behavior
behavior can have one of these values:
If behavior is STOP_AT_FETCH, Prolifics stops each time it executes a non-scalar SELECT statement in the stored procedure. Therefore, a SELECT from a table will halt the execution of the procedure. However, a SELECT of a single scalar value (i.e., using the SQL functions SUM, COUNT, AVG, MAX. or MIN) does not halt the execution of a stored procedure.
The application can execute
or any of the CONTINUE variants to scroll through the selected records. To abort the fetching of any remaining rows in the select set, the application can execute
To execute the next statement in the procedure the application must execute
DBMS NEXT automatically flushes any pending SELECT rows.
To abort the execution of any remaining statements in the stored procedure or the sql statement, the application can execute
All pending statements are aborted. Canceling the procedure also returns the procedure's return status code. The return code DM_END_OF_PROC signals the end of the stored procedure.
If behavior is EXECUTE_ALL, Prolifics executes all statements in the stored procedure without halting. If the procedure selects rows, Prolifics returns as many rows as can be held by the destination variables and continues executing the procedure. The application cannot use the DBMS CONTINUE commands to scroll through the procedure's select sets.
Note that SYBASE does not support SINGLE_STEP as an option for stored procedure execution; however, it is available for execution of multi-statement cursors.
A transaction is a unit of work that must be totally completed or not completed at all. SYBASE has one transaction for each cursor. Therefore, in a Prolifics application, a transaction controls all statements executed with a single named cursor or the default cursor.
Applications that need transaction control on multiple cursors should use two-phase commit service.
The following events commit a transaction on SYBASE:
The following events roll back a transaction on SYBASE:
Note that SYBASE will not rollback remote procedure calls (rpcs) or data definition commands that create or drop database objects. Refer to the SYBASE documentation for more information on these restrictions.
After an application declares a connection, an application can begin a transaction on the default cursor or on any declared cursor.
SYBASE supports the following transaction commands:
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection ] ROLLBACK [ savepoint ] DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION cursor ] ROLLBACK [ savepoint ]
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection ] SAVE [ savepoint ] DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION cursor ] SAVE [ savepoint ]
A transaction on a default cursor controls all inserts, updates, and deletes executed with the JPL command DBMS SQL. The application can set the default connection before beginning the transaction or it can use the WITH CONNECTION clause in each statement.
If a named cursor is declared for multiple statements, it might be useful to execute the cursor in a transaction. This way, the application can ensure that SYBASE executes either all of the cursor's statements or none of the cursor's statements. A simple transaction on a named cursor might appear like this:
DBMS DECLARE cursor CURSOR FOR statement [ statement... ] DBMS WITH CURSOR cursor BEGIN DBMS WITH CURSOR cursor EXECUTE [ USING parm [ parm ... ] ] ... DBMS WITH CURSOR cursor COMMIT
If necessary, the cursor can be executed more than once in the transaction. The application should not, however, redeclare a cursor within a transaction.
# Call the transaction handler and pass it the name # of the subroutine containing the transaction commands. call tran_handle "new_title()"
proc tran_handle (subroutine) { # Declare a variable jpl_retcode and # set it to call the subroutine. vars jpl_retcode jpl_retcode = :subroutine
# Check the value of jpl_retcode. If it is 0, all statements # in the subroutine executed successfully and the transaction # was committed. If it is 1, the error handler aborted the # subroutine. If it is -1, Prolifics aborted the subroutine. # Execute a ROLLBACK for all non-zero return codes.
if jpl_retcode == 0 { msg emsg "Transaction succeeded." } else { msg emsg "Aborting transaction." DBMS ROLLBACK } }
proc new_title DBMS BEGIN DBMS SQL INSERT INTO titles VALUES \ (:+title_id, :+name, :+genre_code, \ :+dir_last_name, :+dir_first_name, :+film_minutes, \ :+rating_code, :+release_date, :+pricecat) DBMS SQL INSERT INTO title_dscr VALUES \ (:+title_id, :+line_no, :+dscr_text) DBMS SQL INSERT INTO tapes VALUES \ (:+title_id, :+copy_num, :+status, :+times_rented) DBMS COMMIT return 0
The procedure tran_handle is a generic handler for the application's transactions. The procedure new_title contains the transaction statements. This method reduces the amount of error checking code.
The application executes the transaction by executing
call tran_handle "new_title()"
The procedure tran_handle receives the argument "new_title" and writes it to the variable subroutine. It declares a JPL variable, jpl_retcode. After performing colon processing, :subroutine is replaced with its value, new_title, and JPL calls the procedure. The procedure new_title begins the transaction, performs three inserts, and commits the transaction.
If new_title executes without any errors, it returns 0 to the variable jpl_retcode in the calling procedure tran_handle. JPL then evaluates the if statement, displays a success message, and exits.
If however an error occurs while executing new_title, Prolifics calls the application's error handler. The error handler should display any error messages and return the abort code, 1.
For example, assume the first INSERT in new_title executes successfully but the second INSERT fails. In this case, Prolifics calls the error handler to display an error message. When the error handler returns the abort code 1, Prolifics aborts the procedure new_title (therefore, the third INSERT is not attempted). Prolifics returns 1 to jpl_retcode in the calling procedure tran_handle. JPL evaluates the if statement, displays a message, and executes a rollback. The rollback undoes the insert to the table titles.
SYBASE provides two-phase commit service for distributed transactions. In a two-phase commit, one main transaction controls two or more subtransactions on one or more servers. A subtransaction is a transaction on single cursor, like those described in the section above.
With two-phase commit service using Microsoft SQL Server, the commit server and the target server must be different.
The main transaction must be declared with this command:
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection ] \ DECLARE transaction-name TRANSACTION FOR \ APPLICATION application SITES sites
After the transaction is declared, its name is used to begin and to commit or to rollback the transaction. The syntax is
DBMS BEGIN transaction-name
DBMS COMMIT transaction-name
DBMS ROLLBACK transaction-name
As with cursors and connections, Prolifics uses a data structure to manage a two-phase commit transaction. This structure should be closed when the transaction is completed. When the structure is closed, Prolifics calls the support routine to close the connection with the SYBASE commit service:
Operations on a single cursor are subtransactions. To control a subtransaction in a two-phase commit transaction, the following commands can be used:
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor ] SAVE savepoint
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor ] ROLLBACK [ savepoint ]
The command DBMS PREPARE_COMMIT is an additional command required by the two-phase commit service. Executing it signals that the subtransaction has been performed and that the server is ready is to commit the update. After the application has "prepared" all the subtransactions, it issues a COMMIT to the main transaction and each subtransaction.
The sequence of events in a SYBASE two-phase commit transaction is the following:
It is strongly recommended that the application use an error handler while the transaction is executing. If an error occurs while executing a command in the subtransaction (i.e., executing a SQL statement or a named cursor), the application should not continue executing the transaction.
An example with an error handler follows.
######################################################## # Declare connections and specify servers. DBMS DECLARE c1 CONNECTION \ FOR USER :uid PASSWORD :pwd SERVER maple \ INTERFACES '/usr/sybase/interfaces.ny' DBMS DECLARE c2 CONNECTION \ FOR USER :uid PASSWORD :pwd SERVER juniper # Declare cursors. # Use :: to insert a value when the cursor is executed, # not when the cursor is declared. DBMS WITH CONNECTION c1 DECLARE x CURSOR FOR INSERT \ emp (ss, last, first, street, city, st, zip, grade) \ VALUES (::ss, ::last, ::first, ::street, ::city, \ ::st, ::zip, ::grade) DBMS WITH CONNECTION c2 DECLARE y CURSOR FOR INSERT \ acc (ss, sal, exmp) VALUES (::ss, ::sal, ::exmp) ######################################################## proc 2phase vars retval retval = sm_s_val () if retval { msg reset "Invalid entry." return } DBMS WITH CONNECTION c1 DECLARE new_emp TRANSACTION \ FOR APPLICATION personnel SITES 2 DBMS ONERROR JPL tran_error call do_tran if !(retval) msg emsg "Transaction succeeded." else { DBMS ROLLBACK newemp if retval >= 100 DBMS WITH CURSOR x ROLLBACK if retval >= 200 DBMS WITH CURSOR y ROLLBACK } DBMS ONERROR CALL generic_errors DBMS CLOSE TRANSACTION new_emp return proc do_tran # Begin new_emp and set the flag tran_level (LDB variable) DBMS BEGIN new_emp DBMS WITH CURSOR x BEGIN tran_level = "1" DBMS WITH CURSOR x EXECUTE USING \ ss, last, first, street, city, st, zip, grade DBMS WITH CURSOR y BEGIN tran_level = "2" DBMS WITH CURSOR y EXECUTE USING \ ss, startsal, exemptions DBMS WITH CURSOR x PREPARE_COMMIT DBMS WITH CURSOR y PREPARE_COMMIT # Execute commits. DBMS COMMIT new_emp DBMS WITH CURSOR x COMMIT DBMS WITH CURSOR y COMMIT msg emsg "Insert completed." tran_level = "" return ######################################################## proc tran_error vars fail_area [2](20), tran_err(3) fail_area[1] = "address" fail_area[2] = "accounting data" if tran_level != "" { # Display an error message describing the failure. msg emsg "%WTransaction failed. Unable to insert \ :fail_area[tran_level] because of " @dmengerrmsg math tranerr = tran_level * 100 tran_level = "" return :tranerr } msg emsg @dmengerrmsg return 1
Each database driver contains a standard transaction model for use with the transaction manager. The transaction model is a C program which contains the main processing for each of the transaction manager commands. You can edit this program; however, be aware that the transaction model is subject to change with each release. For SYBASE, the name of the standard transaction model is tmsyb1.c.
The standard transaction model for SYBASE calls DBMS FLUSH instead of DBMS CANCEL as part of the processing for the FINISH command. If a query has returned a very large select set, closing the screen might be longer with the FLUSH command. You can change this behavior by editing the model; however, the model is subject to change in future releases, so you should track your changes in order to update future versions.
For a SYBASE timestamp column, you can set the In Update Where and In Delete Where properties to Yes. This includes the value fetched to that widget in the SQL UPDATE and DELETE statements that are generated as part of the SAVE command.
If you specify a SAVE command with a table view parameter, it is called a partial command. A partial command is not applied to the entire transaction tree. In the standard transaction models, partial SAVE commands do not commit the database transaction. In order to save those changes, you must do an explicit DBMS COMMIT. Otherwise, those changes could be rolled back if the database engine performs an automatic rollback when the database connection is closed.
Prolifics for SYBASE provides commands for SYBASE-specific features. This section contains a reference page for each command. If you are using multiple engines or are porting an application to or from another engine, please note that these commands may work differently or may not be supported on some engines.
Execute a SELECT for browsing.
Update a table while browsing.
Set buffer size for scrolling for entire application.
Control availability of SYBASE-based scrolling for DBMS CONTINUE_BOTTOM, DBMS CONTINUE_TOP, DBMS CONTINUE_UP.
Abort execution of a stored procedure.
Declare a cursor to execute a stored procedure using a remote procedure call.
Execute the next statement in a stored procedure.
Set execution behavior for a procedure (execute all, stop at fetch, etc.).
Set data types for parameters of a stored procedure executed with an rpc cursor.
Begin a transaction.
Close all transactions declared for two-phase commit.
Close a two-phase transaction.
Commit a transaction.
Declare a transaction for two-phase commit.
Indicate that a subtransaction is ready to commit.
Rollback a transaction.
Set a savepoint in a transaction.
BEGIN Start a transaction
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection-name ] BEGIN DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] BEGIN
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection-name ] BEGIN two-phase-transaction-name
WITH CURSOR cursor-name
WITH CONNECTION connection-name
A transaction is a logical unit of work on a database contained within DBMS BEGIN and DBMS COMMIT statements. DBMS BEGIN defines the start of a transaction. After a transaction is begun, changes to the database are not committed until a DBMS COMMIT is executed. Changes are undone by executing DBMS ROLLBACK.
To begin a distributed transaction (two-phase transaction), first declare a named transaction with DBMS DECLARE TRANSACTION. Because this statement supports a WITH CONNECTION clause, Prolifics associates the transaction name with a particular connection; the connection's server is the coordinating server for the distributed transaction. When the application executes DBMS BEGIN transaction- name where transaction-name is the name of the declared transaction, Prolifics starts the transaction on the coordinating server.
Be sure to terminate the transaction with a DBMS ROLLBACK or DBMS COMMIT before logging off. Note that Prolifics will not close a connection with a pending two-phase commit transaction.
BROWSE Retrieve SELECT results one row at a time
To update in browse mode, the table being updated must have a timestamp column and a unique index. A row's timestamp indicates the last time the row was updated. If the timestamp has not changed since DBMS BROWSE was executed, the application can update the row. If the timestamp has changed, then some other user or application has updated the row after DBMS BROWSE was executed. The update is aborted and an error is returned.
Browse mode requires a connection with two default cursors. The application must open the browse mode connection by setting the CURSORS option to 2. Prolifics uses one default cursor to select the rows and the other default cursor to update the rows.
It is the programmer's responsibility to determine whether a table is browsable. If the table is not browsable, Prolifics returns the DM_BAD_ARGS error. If a table is browsable, Prolifics returns the first row in the select set when DBMS BROWSE is executed. Note that only one row is returned at a time.
To view the next row, the application must execute DBMS CONTINUE.
BUFFER_DEFAULT Specifies setting for engine-based non-sequential scrolling
The size of the buffer is determined by the value specified with these commands.
CANCEL Cancel the execution of a stored procedure or discard select rows
Prolifics calls the SYBASE routine dbcancel() to perform this operation.
If the WITH CURSOR clause is not used, Prolifics executes the command on the default cursor.
CLOSE_ALL_TRANSACTIONS Close all transactions declared for two-phase commit
Prolifics will not close a connection unless all two-phase commit transactions have been closed. Furthermore, Prolifics will not close a two-phase commit transaction unless the application explicitly terminated the transaction with a DBMS COMMIT transaction-name or DBMS ROLLBACK transaction-name.
This helps prevent the application from terminating with a pending two-phase transaction. For if this happens, SYBASE marks the transaction's process as "infected." You will need the system administrator to delete the infected process.
Because this command verifies that all two-phase commit transactions were terminated, you must call this command before logging off.
# Control string for APP1 is: # APP1 = ^tran_cleanup proc cleanup_failure (stmt, engine, flag) if @dmretcode == DM_TRAN_PENDING { call jm_keys APP1 } return 0
CLOSE TRANSACTION Close a declared transaction structure
DBMS CLOSE TRANSACTION two-phase-transaction-name
An error code is returned if a transaction was pending. An application cannot close a connection with an open transaction.
COMMIT Commit a transaction
DBMS COMMIT two_phase_transaction_name
This command is available in two contexts. It can commit a transaction on a single cursor or it can commit a two-phase commit transaction. If a WITH CURSOR clause is used in a DBMS COMMIT statement, Prolifics commits the transaction on the named cursor. If a WITH CONNECTION clause is used, Prolifics commits the transaction on the default cursor of the named connection. If no WITH clause or no distributed transaction name is used, Prolifics commits the transaction on the default cursor of the default connection.
This command is available depending on the setting of various parameters in your environment. Refer to the section on transactions and your documentation for more information.
If a distributed transaction name is used, Prolifics issues the commit to the coordinating server. If this is successful, the application should issue a DBMS COMMIT for each subtransactions. A WITH CURSOR or WITH CONNECTION clause is required for a subtransaction on a named cursor or a subtransaction on the default cursor of a non-default connection. A WITH CONNECTION clause is required for a subtransaction on a named connection.
DECLARE CURSOR FOR RPC Declare a named cursor for a remote procedure
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection-name ] DECLARE cursor-name CURSOR FOR RPC \ procedure [ ::parameter [ OUT ] [ data-type ] [ , ::parameter [ OUT ] [ data-type ] ... ] ]
The keyword RPC is required. Following the keyword is the name of the procedure and the names of the procedure's parameters. All parameters must begin with a double colon, which is the Prolifics syntax for cursor parameters. If a parameter is an output parameter, the keyword OUT should follow the parameter name if the application is to receive its value. A parameter's data type can be given in the DBMS DECLARE CURSOR statement, or in a DBMS TYPE statement. Parameter names in the DECLARE CURSOR statement must exactly match the parameter names defined by the stored procedure.
The application executes an rpc cursor as it executes any named cursor, with DBMS EXECUTE.
DECLARE TRANSACTION Declare a named transaction
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection-name ] DECLARE transaction-name TRANSACTION FOR \ SITES sites APPLICATION application
FLUSH Flush any selected rows not fetched to Prolifics variables
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] FLUSH
This command is often useful in applications that execute a stored procedure. If the stored procedure executes a SELECT, the procedure will not return the DM_END_OF_PROC signal if the select set is pending. The application can execute DBMS CONTINUE until the DM_NO_MORE_ROWS signal is returned, or it can execute DBMS FLUSH, which cancels the pending rows.
This command is also useful with queries that fetch very large select sets. The application can execute DBMS FLUSH after executing the SELECT, or after a defined time-out interval. This guarantees a release of the shared locks on all the tables involved in the fetch. Of course, after the rows have been flushed, the application cannot use DBMS CONTINUE to view the unread rows.
Prolifics calls the SYBASE routine dbcanquery() to perform this operation.
Example proc large_select # Do not allow the user to see any more rows than # can be held by the onscreen arrays. DBMS SQL SELECT * FROM titles if @dmretcode != DM_NO_MORE_ROWS DBMS FLUSH return 0
NEXT Execute the next statement in a stored procedure
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] NEXT
If a cursor is associated with two or more SQL statements and DBMS SET equals STOP_AT_FETCH, the application must execute DBMS NEXT after each SELECT that returns rows to Prolifics. If DBMS SET equals SINGLE_STEP, the application must execute DBMS NEXT after each statement, including non-SELECT statements. If the application executes DBMS NEXT after all of the cursor's statements have been executed, Prolifics returns the DM_END_OF_PROC code.
PREPARE_COMMIT Prepare a two phase commit
If the WITH CURSOR clause is not used, Prolifics issues the command on the default cursor.
ROLLBACK Roll back a transaction
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection-name ] ROLLBACK savepoint
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] ROLLBACK savepoint
DBMS ROLLBACK two_phase_transaction_name
This command is available in two contexts. It can rollback a transaction on a single cursor, or it can rollback a two-phase rollback transaction. If a WITH CURSOR clause is used in a DBMS ROLLBACK statement, Prolifics rolls back the transaction on the named cursor. If a WITH CONNECTION clause is used, Prolifics rolls back the transaction on the default cursor of the named connection. If no WITH clause or no distributed transaction name is used, Prolifics rolls back the transaction on the default cursor of the default connection.
If a distributed transaction name is used, Prolifics issues the rollback to the coordinating server. The application should also issue a DBMS ROLLBACK for each subtransaction. A WITH CURSOR or WITH CONNECTION clause is required for a subtransaction on a named cursor or a subtransaction on the default cursor of a non-default connection.
SAVE Set a savepoint within a transaction
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection-name ] SAVE savepoint DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] SAVE savepoint
When the transaction is rolled back to a savepoint, the transaction must then either be completed or rolled back to the beginning.
This feature is useful for any long, complicated transaction. For example, an order entry application might involve many screens where an end-user must enter data regarding the order. As the user completes each screen, the application can issue a savepoint. Therefore, if an error occurs on the fifth screen, the application can simply rollback the procedures on the fifth screen.
Example proc new_title DBMS SQL INSERT INTO titles VALUES \ (:+title_id, :+name, :+genre_code, \ :+dir_last_name, :+dir_first_name, :+film_minutes, \ :+rating_code, :+release_date, :+pricecat) DBMS SAVE s1 call new_dscr call new_tapes DBMS COMMIT return 0
proc new_dscr DBMS SQL INSERT INTO title_dscr VALUES \ (:+title_id, :+line_no, :+dscr_text) DBMS SAVE s2 return 0
proc new_tapes DBMS SQL INSERT INTO tapes VALUES \ (:+title_id, :+copy_num, :+status, :+times_rented) return 0
SET Set handling for a cursor that executes a stored procedure or multiple statements
Specifies that the DBMS return control to Prolifics only when all statements have been executed or when an error occurs. If a SQL SELECT is executed, only the first pageful of rows is returned to Prolifics variables. This option can be set for a multi-statement or a stored procedure cursor.
Specifies that the DBMS return control to Prolifics after executing each statement belonging to the multi-statement cursor. After each SELECT, the user can press a function key to execute a DBMS CONTINUE and scroll the select set. To resume executing the cursor's statements, the application must execute DBMS NEXT. This option can be set for a multi-statement cursor. If this option is used with a stored procedure cursor, Prolifics uses the default setting STOP_AT_FETCH.
Specifies that the DBMS return control to Prolifics after executing a SQL SELECT that fetches rows. (Note that control is not returned for a SELECT that assigns a value to a local SYBASE parameter.) The application can use DBMS CONTINUE to scroll through the select set. To resume executing the cursor's statements or procedure, the application must execute DBMS NEXT. This option can be set for a multi-statement or a stored procedure cursor.
The default behavior for both stored procedure and multi-statement cursors is STOP_AT_FETCH. Executing DBMS SET with no arguments restores the default behavior.
Example DBMS DECLARE x CURSOR FOR \ SELECT cust_id, first_name, last_name, member_status \ FROM customers WHERE cust_id = ::cust_id \ INSERT INTO rentals (cust_id, title_id, copy_num, \ rental_date, price) \ VALUES (::cust_id, ::title_id, ::copy_num, \ ::rental_date, ::price) msg d_msg "%KPF1 START %KPF2 SCROLL SELECT\ %KPF3 EXECUTE NEXT STEP"
proc f1 # This function is called by the PF1 key. DBMS WITH CURSOR x SET_BUFFER 10 DBMS WITH CURSOR x SET SINGLE_STEP DBMS WITH CURSOR x EXECUTE USING cust_id, cust_id, \ title_id, copy_num, rental_date, price DBMS WITH CURSOR x SET return
proc f2 # This function is called by the PF2 key. DBMS WITH CURSOR x CONTINUE if @dmretcode == DM_NO_MORE_ROWS msg emsg "All rows displayed." return
proc f3 # This function is called by the PF3 key. DBMS WITH CURSOR x NEXT if @dmretcode == DM_END_OF_PROC msg emsg "Done!" return
SET_BUFFER Use engine-based scrolling
DBMS [ WITH CURSOR cursor-name ] SET_BUFFER [ number-of-rows ]
SYBASE supports non-sequential scrolling if the application has set up a buffer for result rows. This command sets the SELECT cursor to use SYBASE-based scrolling. If an application does not need DBMS CONTINUE_UP or is using a continuation file (DBMS STORE FILE), this command is not needed.
If the WITH CURSOR clause is used, Prolifics sets the flag for the named cursor. If the WITH CURSOR clause is not used, Prolifics sets the flag for the default SELECT cursor.
number-of-rows is the number of rows SYBASE will buffer. To be useful, number-of-rows should be greater than the number of occurrences in the Prolifics destination fields.
When this command is used with a SELECT cursor, SYBASE saves the specified number of result rows in memory. When the application executes DBMS CONTINUE_BOTTOM, DBMS CONTINUE_TOP, or DBMS CONTINUE_UP commands, the result rows in memory are returned.
The buffer is maintained for the life of the cursor, or until the buffer is released with this command:
Executing the command without supplying the number-of-rows argument turns off the feature for the named or default cursor and frees the buffer. Note that re-declaring the cursor does not free the buffer. Closing the cursor does release the buffer.
Because the use of this command is expensive (approximately 2K of memory per row), it should be used only if the application needs non-sequential scrolling but cannot use scrolling arrays or a continuation file. The application should turn off DBMS SET_BUFFER when finished with the select set.
Note the following restrictions:
Example DBMS DECLARE t_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM titles DBMS WITH CURSOR t_cursor SET_BUFFER 500 proc scroll_up DBMS WITH CURSOR t_cursor CONTINUE_UP return proc scroll_down DBMS WITH CURSOR t_cursor CONTINUE_DOWN return
TRANSACTION Set a default transaction for use in two-phase commits
DBMS TRANSACTION two-phase-transaction-name
TYPE Declare parameter data types for an rpc cursor
DBMS WITH CURSOR cursor-name TYPE parameter data-type [, parameter data-type ... ]
parameter is the name of a parameter in the stored procedure and in the DBMS DECLARE CURSOR statement. data-type is the data type of the parameter in the stored procedure. Prolifics uses the information supplied with this command to execute the remote procedure call. Please note that these data types have no effect on any data formatting performed by colon-plus processing or binding.
Executing this command with no arguments deletes all type information for the named cursor.
Example ######################################################## #procedure newprice: #create proc newprice @pricecat char(1), @percent float, # @price money output, @proposed_price money output # as # select @price = (select price from pricecats # where pricecat = @pricecat) # select @proposed_price = @price + (@price * @percent) ########################################################
DBMS DECLARE nc CURSOR FOR \ RPC newprice ::pricecat, ::percent, ::price OUT, \ ::proposed_price OUT DBMS WITH CURSOR nc TYPE \ percent float, price money, proposed_price money DBMS WITH CURSOR nc EXECUTE \ USING pricecat, percent, price, proposed_price
UPDATE Update a table while browsing
DBMS UPDATE table-name SET column = value [ , column = value ... ]
When DBMS BROWSE is executed, it fetches the rows in the select set one at a time. The application should provide other JPL procedures to execute DBMS CONTINUE and DBMS UPDATE commands.
Please note that the DBMS UPDATE statement has no WHERE clause. Prolifics calls a SYBASE routine to build a WHERE clause using the unique index of the current row and the value of its timestamp column when the row was fetched. If the timestamp value has not been changed, the row is updated. However, if the timestamp value has changed, then another user has modified the row since the application executed DBMS BROWSE. In this case, SYBASE will not perform the update.
USE Open an existing database
DBMS [ WITH CONNECTION connection-name ] USE database-name
The following table lists all commands available in Panther's database driver for SYBASE. Commands available to all database drivers are described in the Programming Guide.
Table 3. Commands for SYBASE
Command Name
Documentation Location
Name a Prolifics variable as the destination of a selected column or aggregate function
Programming Guide
Begin a transaction
page -35-
Create a Prolifics variable for fetching binary values
page -#-
Execute a SQL SELECT for browsing
page -37-
Set the size of the buffer for engine-based scrolling
page -38-
Abort execution of a stored procedure
page -39-
Redirect select results to a file or a Prolifics variable
Close all connections on all engines
Close all transactions
page -40-
Close a named connection
Close a named cursor
Close a named transaction
page -42-
Return the column name, not column data, to a Prolifics variable
Commit a transaction
page -43-
Set a default connection and engine for the application
Fetch the next screenful of rows from a select set
Fetch the last screenful of rows from a select set
Fetch the first screenful of rows from a select set
Fetch the previous screenful of rows from a select set
Declare a named connection to an engine
Declare a named cursor
Declare a cursor to execute a stored procedure using a remote procedure call
page -45-
Declare a transaction for two phase commit
page -47-
Set the default engine for the application
Execute a named cursor
Flush any selected rows
page -48-
Format the results of a CATQUERY
Execute the next statement in a stored procedure
page -50-
Set the number of rows for Prolifics to fetch to an array and set the occurrence where Prolifics should begin writing result rows
Install a JPL procedure or C function that Prolifics will call before executing a DBMS statement
Install a JPL procedure or C function that Prolifics will call when a DBMS statement fails
Install a JPL procedure or C function that Prolifics will call after executing a DBMS statement
Indicate that a transaction is ready to commit
page -51-
Roll back a transaction
page -52-
Set a savepoint in a transaction
page -54-
SET parameter
Set execution behavior for a stored procedure
page -56-
Set engine-based scrolling for a cursor
page -59-
Set the first row for Prolifics to return from a select set
Store the rows of a select set in a temporary file so the application can scroll through the rows
Set the default transaction
page -61-
Set data types for parameters of a stored procedure executed with an rpc cursor
page -62-
Suppress repeating values in a selected column
Update a table while browsing
page -63-
Open an existing database
page -64-
Specify the connection to use for a command
Specify the cursor to use for a command
Specify the engine to use for a command