38995 Checklist in Listbox Type Select Any in Grid Frame widget
39030 f2asc -b allows field names longer than 31 characters
39035 Panther support for Microsoft Source Code Control Integration
38994 Cell text wraps to two or more lines when the cell height permits
38990 A video file supporting UTF-8 line drawing characters for Windows
39054 FrameTitle in prolw*.ini file to contain exact Panther version
39040 Specify default install folder C:\Prolifics\Panther554
39023 Makefile should copy prodev.exe.manifest to prodev32/64.exe.manifest
39049 Support for Visual Studio 2022
39025 Web Content Accessibility
39043 HTML for grid frames should put 'scope' attributes on <TH> elements for row and column headers
39040 Protected SLTs in grid frame cause inner tables for each SLT
39020 ODBC Credentials retrievable from RAM while application is running