Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends,
Oracle 19c Database Server Issue and Workaround
Over the last few months, many of our Panther customers migrated to Oracle 19c Database Server. Those that were using our OCI API and invoking stored procedures experienced the error “Describing a TYPE returns ORA-24328: illegal attribute value”.
The cause of the problem is explained here:
The gist of it is that for version Database Server version 18c, Oracle made a change which results in less information being available to the OCI API we're using. They did that, because some folks had problems with the SYS table space growing too large. The bug we found is a side effect of that change.
The workaround mentioned at the link above does work. From JPL you may execute these two lines;
dbms sql ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS = '10946 level 65536'
This recompiles the package, pkg_name, containing the stored procedure, so that the additional information about stored procedure arguments is generated, thereby allowing our original OCI-8 client code to access it. Once executed, and the package recompiled, it does not need to be performed again.
We would performing the workaround during the database migration to Oracle 19c.
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