Dear Valued Customers,
We hope this message finds you, your family, and your friends safe and well. As the COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges, we want you to know that your Panther Team is committed to our ongoing support work here at Prolifics.
We are currently working on a Panther 5.53 release, scheduled for 2021. |
Panther Team Coffee Hour August 19th 2020
Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us for our upcoming Coffee Hour and listen in on what’s coming in Panther 5.53 (2021).
For more information and to register click here
Migrate your JAM 5 application to Panther

Migrating your JAM 5 is the quickest and most direct way to get up and running with Panther. Migration means that your application remains virtually the same and runs with JAM 5 compatibility in the Panther environment.
Once migrated, you can immediately begin to use the features of Panther to extend and enhance your application. Going with this route may buy you the time you need to plan a proper conversion. Experience has proven that migration works best for character-based applications, since graphical applications present more challenging issues. If you used JAM/Pi to build your application, then migration is not recommended.
To learn more about the migration, reach out to the JAM5 Migration Team at