User callable functions have been added to Panther that allow data from fields to be copied to the Windows clipboard and to be pasted from the Windows clipboard. When data from fields that are NOT word wrapped are copied to the clipboard, the data from the fields are TAB delimited, making it easier to paste data into a spreadsheet. For a word wrapped field, the data is just copied, including any new line and tab characters in the field data.
Similarly, data copied from a spreadsheet can be pasted into a number of fields.
• sm_*_PiMwCopyToClipboard
Copies data from field(s) to the Windows clipboard
int sm_n_PiMwCopyToClipboard(const char *fields);
int sm_i_PiMwCopyToClipboard(const char *fields, int from);
int sm_ii_PiMwCopyToClipboard(const char *fields, int from, int to);
Returns (see below)
• sm_*_PiMwPasteFromClipboard
Pastes data from the Windows clipboard to field(s)
int sm_n_PiMwPasteFromClipboard(const char *fields);
int sm_i_PiMwPasteFromClipboard(const char *fields, int from);
int sm_ii_PiMwPasteFromClipboard(const char *fields, int from, int to);
0 Success |
PR_E_ARGS problems parsing argument fields or in the values of from or to |
PR_E_ERROR Unable to access the clipboard or field data |
PR_E_MALLOC Memory allocation error |
Data in a JAM/Panther grid copied to and from an Excel spreadsheet easily accomplished using the new functions above. |