The jpl verb was previously used to
call jpl functions. Replace any jpl
verbs with the call verb. In Jam5, call was used only for calling C
functions. Place a pair of double
quotes around string constants being passed in a call statement., if
they are not already there. When you change a function call that did
not pass parameters before, the call must be changed to use the null
parameter ()-these parentheses were optional in Jam5. The null
parameter () helps Jam7 know that this is a function call and not a
variable assignment if you are assigning the return value to a variable.
jpl test_procedure TEST
call test_procedure ("TEST")
jpl rtm_status
call rtm_status()
Note that if you have functions in JPL and C with the same name, then
all C function names take precedence over JPL proc names. The use of
the jpl calling verb would have
overridden this precedence, so if the
jpl verb is used often,
you may want to insure that no duplicate names
exist. The current precedence is designed to make it
easier to convert jpl procs to C functions without having to recode
the screens that call those functions.
Another old method used to call functions was with the
atch verb.
This method was used to call field functions when you are not in that context.
(i.e. the function is a field entry function, with the field entry
parameters, but you are not calling it from field entry, but just from
regular jpl processing.). Replace atch, with call. You also need to
provide the field arguments, since these will not automatically be
atch codeval_entry
call codeval_entry(field_number, field_value, field_occurrence, field_mask)
If you don't have these values available AND the function you are
calling uses them, you will need to determine them. Presumably you'll
have some field info, but here's code for doing it without having any
field info:
field_num = @widget("@current")->fldnum
field_value = @widget("@current")
field_occurrence = sm_occur_no()
field_mask = sm_inquire(SC_AFLDMDT)
. . . .or you could hardcode this - field_mask = MDT | VALIDED
- Return variables from both JPL and C function calls were not
assigned by using
the function name as an r-value. Rather, a return variable was
predefined using the retvar verb.
Then, when the function returned, this variable was automatically
filled with the return value.
To update this syntax, delete retvar statements and change calls to C
and JPL functions to
use the assignment operator = to save any return codes needed.
vars r
retvar r
call test_routine("FIRST")
if r
vars r
r = test_routine("TEST")
if r
if (test_routine("FIRST"))
When defining a function, parameters are now declared without
using the parms keyword.
The parms keyword is only
used now for declaring variables that are
passed to the 'unnamed jpl' at the top of a file.
proc function
parms value1, value2
proc function (value1, value2)
- For screen and widget entry, exit & validation functions,
change any hardcoded constants to use true jam constants. In Jam 5,
there were no defined constants for the values of the field and
screen status bit-masks. Jam5 programmers would either
have used numbers, set global variables with the constant's value, or
defined these values in the ldb. All of these solutions should be
replaced with constants. Hardcoded constants obviously are hard to
read, global variables take up space, and an over-loaded ldb can cause
slowdown at every screen entry/exit.
if (flags & 256)
if (flags & K_EXPOSE)
Also see the section entitled Excessive Colon Expansion in the
Miscellaneous JPL section. This contains additional information about
the dereferencing of arguments in function calls.